Governor Perdue Announces Strategy for Modernizing State's IT Infrastructure
Tuesday, December 11, 2007 |
Contact: Office of Communications 404-651-7774 Michael Clark, GTA, (404) 463-2347
ATLANTA– Governor Sonny Perdue announced today a plan to transform state government’s information technology infrastructure. The plan will strengthen the state’s operations by consolidating IT functions, with the Georgia Technology Authority managing private sector contracts to keep the state’s infrastructure updated and secure.
“I am taking action now to bring about an integrated IT infrastructure that is secure, stable and well-governed,” Governor Perdue said. “Maintaining the status quo is not an option.”
A comprehensive assessment of state IT services confirmed the need for major change. According to the assessment, the state has an aging IT infrastructure and faces challenges in meeting industry standards and providing appropriate levels of security and disaster recovery. The state’s problems create serious risk in providing critical services to more than nine million Georgians.
Governor Perdue’s plan calls for consolidating IT infrastructure under a restructured Georgia Technology Authority. It will begin with 11 agencies that represent over two-thirds of the IT spending of the executive branch. According to GTA’s annual technology expenditure report, the executive branch spends $617 million each year on information technology. IT services will be provided through multiple contracts, which will be bid competitively and awarded late next year. The plan enables the state to continually invest in IT without requiring additional appropriations.
Approximately 1,100 positions will be affected as functions are shifted from agencies to GTA or to third-party service providers. This consolidation will lead to a more efficient, leaner organization, which means some positions will be eliminated. GTA hopes to accomplish this by eliminating vacancies as they come available over the next year by natural attrition and retirement. For example, in GTA alone, more than 20 percent of the workforce will be eligible for retirement within the next year.
“Technology is the underpinning for a well-run, modern day enterprise,” Governor Perdue said. “My vision is for
To view video of the announcement, click here.
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