Governor Perdue Announces Executive Appointments
Friday, December 3, 2004 |
Contact: Office of Communications 404-651-7774
ATLANTA, GA - Governor Sonny Perdue announced today the following executive appointments:
Commission on Service and Volunteerism
Simon H. Bloom, 33, Atlanta, GA, At Large - Bloom is an attorney with Powell, Goldstein, Frazer & Murphy, LLP. He was previously a commonwealth attorney for Albemarle County, Virginia. He is a member of the Atlanta Bar Association (Litigation section) and the State Bar of Georgia (Litigation and Trial sections). Bloom is president-elect of the board of directors and a member of the Leadership Council for the Boys and Girls Club of Metro Atlanta. He received his undergraduate degree and his Juris Doctorate from the University of Virginia.
Laurie Hattaway Chandler, 31, Rome, National Service Program Representative - Chandler is director of the Bonner Center for Community Service at Berry College. She is treasurer of the Georgia Association of Volunteer Administrators and secretary of the Georgia Campus Community Service Association. Chandler received her undergraduate degree from Berry College and a master’s degree from Kennesaw State University. She and her husband, James, have one son.
John Andrew Scott Cooper, 40, Decatur, GA, At Large Representative - Cooper is Technology Manager for the Georgia Center for Nonprofits. He is a member of the Technology Association of Georgia, a past member and officer of the American Society of Training and Development, and a member of the United Way of Metro Atlanta. He received his undergraduate degree from the University of South Carolina and a master’s degree from Florida State University.
David Terry Ensley, 17, Jefferson, GA, Youth Representative - Ensley is chairman of Youth for Georgia and a member of New Life Presbyterian Church. He will graduate from high school in May 2004 and plans to attend the University of Georgia.
Carol Ann Armbrust Fey, 58, Marietta, GA, Community-based Organization Representative -Fey is the program development manager for Communities in Schools of Marietta/Cobb County, Inc. She is a VISTA volunteer and program coordinator for the Georgia Literacy Connection Program, and she is a consultant for The Hyacinth Group. She worked as the volunteer resources coordinator for Cobb Family Resources, Inc., and she received the GAVA June Sammons State Award in 2003. Fey graduated from Emporia State University. She and her husband, Alan, have two children.
Brett Harrell, 43, Snellville, GA, Local Governments Representative - Harrell is the Executive Director of the Highway 78 Community Improvement District. He is the former Mayor of Snellville, and served on the Executive Board of the Metro Atlanta Mayor’s Association. Harrell also served as Council Member and Planning Commissioner for the City of Snellville. He serves on the City of Snellville Development Authority and is a member of the Board of Community Affairs. He was named to the list of 40 Under 40 Rising Stars in Georgia by Georgia Trend magazine in 2000. He received his undergraduate degree in marketing and finance from the University of Georgia. Harrell and his wife, Diane, have one son.
Elizabeth S. Palmer, 41, Atlanta, GA, Business Representative - Palmer is the Southern Region Vice President of Public Relations for AT&T. She previously worked for NAC International, Inc., serving as director of government affairs, director of marketing and communications, and vice president of administration and corporate secretary during her tenure. Palmer also served as special assistant and corresponding secretary to Nancy Reagan. She received her undergraduate degree in foreign affairs from the University of Virginia. Palmer and her husband, Brad, have two children.
Michele Marie Reiner, 35, Atlanta, GA, Disadvantaged Youth Representative -Reiner is the executive director of Cool Girls, Inc. She previously worked as associate director and director of programs for CityCares. Reiner has volunteered on the Atlanta Outward Bound Center Strategic Committee, United Way Speakers Bureau, and Atlanta Women’s Foundation Grant Making Committee. Reiner received a master’s degree in social work from Columbia University and her undergraduate degree in psychology from Duke University. She and her husband, James, have one child.
Lillian A. Sullivan, 73, Columbus, GA, At Large Representative - Sullivan is chapter chairman of volunteers for the American Red Cross. She has received multiple American Red Cross awards, including the Exceptional Volunteer Service Award, the Clara Barton Award, the Cynthia Wedell Award, and the Georgia Volunteer of the Year award. Sullivan is a member of the American Business Women’s Association and the Soroptimist Club. She and her husband, Guy, have three children.
Myra D. Tolbert, Decatur, GA, Department of Education Representative - Tolbert is the director of Special Projects and Waivers, Student Learning Achievement for the Georgia Department of Education. She serves on the Metro Atlanta Alliance of Black School Educators, the Criminal Justice Coordinating Council, and the Georgia Legislative Black Caucus Advisory Board. Tolbert is a National Certified Counselor and a Licensed Professional Counselor in Georgia. Tolbert received her master’s degree in social, historical, and philosophical foundations of education from City College of New York and her Ph.D. in guidance and counseling from The Atlanta University.
Angeleen E. Walker, 46, Hephzibah, GA, At Large Representative -Walker is a pastor at Rock of Ages Missionary Baptist Church and a volunteer resources coordinator at East Central Regional Hospital. She is the public relations coordinator for the Coalition of Women Ministers, past president of the Council of Volunteer Administrators, and an active member of the Senior Corps Advisory Board. Walker received her undergraduate degree in psychology from Augusta College, a certificate of completion in basic theology from New Zion Hill Missionary Baptist Church, and a master of divinity from Erskine Theological Seminary. She and her husband, Carl, have two children.