Georgia Virtual School to Expand Educational Opportunities for Georgia Students
Friday, December 3, 2004 |
Contact: Office of Communications 404-651-7774
Perdue Unveils First Major Educational Initiative for the 2005 Legislative Session
ATLANTA, GA – Speaking to members of the Georgia School Boards Association and the Georgia School Superintendents Association, Governor Sonny Perdue unveiled today a bold new initiative to expand educational opportunity for Georgia high school students. The Georgia Virtual School, an internet-based public school housed in the Georgia Department of Education (DOE), will give students in any region of the state access to Advanced-Placement (AP) courses, summer school courses, and other advanced science and math courses.
“I am delighted to report that a key piece of my 2005 GeorgiaLearns.com education package will be the Georgia Virtual School,” said Governor Sonny Perdue. “Technology is pervasive throughout our society, and it is incumbent upon us to be smart and apply technology to education. The virtual school will give every student the opportunity to learn at their full potential.”
DOE has more than 60 virtual high school courses prepared for next summer, including over ten AP courses. Students must be enrolled in a local public school to take virtual school courses. Virtual courses taken as one or more of the six segments of the regular high school day will be provided free of charge. If students want to take additional courses or summer school courses, then a nominal fee will be charged, as is the case with additional coursework offered by public schools.
“Superintendent Cox and her team have worked very hard to help us develop this innovative resource for our students, and I appreciate their effort in support of this endeavor,” added Governor Perdue.
Students taking a course from the Georgia Virtual School interface with a fully certified and highly qualified teacher via email and telephone. The virtual courses will count as a class credit toward graduation, but the virtual school will not grant diplomas.
Governor Perdue will file legislation through his Floor Leaders authorizing the State Board of Education to form the Georgia Virtual School.