First Lady Mary Perdue Recovering After Breast Cancer Surgery
Friday, October 1, 2004 |
Contact: Office of Communications 404-651-7774
ATLANTA, GA-First Lady Mary Perdue is resting comfortably following a lumpectomy performed during an outpatient procedure earlier today. Mrs. Perdue was diagnosed this week as being in the early stages of breast cancer. She was surprised by the diagnosis but also grateful for having followed through on her physician’s advice to undergo routine annual mammograms. She is thankful for early detection of the disease and is appreciative of the excellent care she has received from physicians at Emory University Hospital. The First Lady will return to the comfort of her home soon, where she will be cared for by family.
“This experience has reminded Mary and me how vulnerable and susceptible we all are to life’s challenges,” said Governor Sonny Perdue. “We are encouraged by our faith and grateful for the prayers and support of family and friends who love us.”
The First Lady is eagerly anticipating a speedy recovery so that she can continue to champion her true love, the children of Georgia. She will begin radiation treatments in future weeks to reduce the risk of recurrence. Her prognosis is excellent.