Governor Perdue Announces Executive Appointments
Friday, August 27, 2004 |
Contact: Office of Communications 404-651-7774
ATLANTA, GA - Governor Sonny Perdue announced today the following executive appointments:
State Water Well Standards Advisory Council
Jerry Clifford Colwell, 54, Zebulon, GA, Water Well Driller Representative -Colwell is the owner and operator of Middle Georgia Water Systems, Inc. He is a Director for the Georgia Drillers Association and a Director for the United Bank of Pike. Colwell serves on the Pike County Chamber of Commerce Government Affairs Committee and is a member of the Pike County Industrial Development Authority. Colwell and his wife, Kaye, have three children.
Christy Lynn Easter, 41, Stockbridge, GA, Department of Natural Resources Representative -Easter has been employed with the Land Protection Branch of the Environmental Protection Division for the past 13 years. She is a professional geologist and a member of the American Institute of Professional Geologists. She regulates the environmental monitoring for over 50 solid waste disposal facilities. Easter is highly involved with the Solid Waste Association of North America. She is a graduate of Central Michigan University. Easter has two children.
Robert Daniel "Dan" Elder, III, 33, Watkinsville, GA, Water Well Driller Representative- Elder is the President and General Manager of North Georgia Water Systems, Inc. He previously worked as the Corporate Officer of Oconee Well Drillers, Inc. Elder served as President of the Georgia Drillers Association and is a member of the Oconee County Chamber of Commerce. He is also a member of the National Ground Water Association, the Georgia Water Association, the American Water Works Association, and the National Federation of Independent Businesses. Elder is a graduate of the University of Georgia and is married to Ellen Elder.
Wilbur Thomas "T" Gamble, III, 45, Dawson, GA, Consumer Representative -Gamble is the owner of General Petroleum, Inc. and a partner of Collier & Gamble. He previously worked as an attorney at Powell, Goldstein, Frazer & Murphy in Atlanta. Gamble is a member of the Terrell City Development Authority and Dawson Rotary. He also served as President of the Terrell City Heart Association. He is a member of the Terrell City Historical Society and volunteers as a Sunday school teacher at Dawson Methodist. Gamble completed his undergraduate degree at Auburn University and then received his Juris Doctor from Mercer University School of Law. He and his wife, Sheryl Lynn, have one daughter.
Wayne A. Grosch, 60, Dublin, GA, Water Well Driller Representative -Grosch has worked with Grosch Irrigation Co., Inc. for 38 years as operator, manger, and owner. He previously owned Major Turbine Pump & Supply for 15 years. Grosch is a Director for the Georgia Drillers Association and a member of the American Legion and the National Water Well Association. He is also a member of the Indiana Ground Water Association and Veterans of Foreign Wars. Grosch received his undergraduate degree in business and received training from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. He and his wife, Kathleen, have three children.
Thomas Y. "Tom" Herrington, II, 51, Allentown , GA , Farming Industry Representative-
Herrington has been farming for over 30 years. He currently farms in Wilkinson, Twiggs, Laurens and Blakely counties. The Soil and Water Board selected Herrington as "Man of the Year" in 1996. His wife, Georgia Anne, is a teacher of special needs and visually impaired students. They have two daughters.
Grady M. Thompson, Jr., 61, Tifton, GA, Water Well Driller Representative (REAPPOINTMENT)- Thompson is currently a well driller for Bishop Well and Pump Service. He is a member of the Rotary Club and the Georgia Driller's Association. He serves as District Supervisor of Middle Georgia Soil and Water Conservation. He and his wife, Sarah, have two children and four grandchildren.
Raymond J. Wilke, 45, Alpharetta, GA, Geologist/Engineer Representative -Wilke is a Senior Professional Engineer with 23 years of experience in managing and designing numerous projects for municipal, state, federal, and industrial clients. He served as the Chief Engineer of Development for Fulton County. He is the newly elected Vice President of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Georgia Section, and serves as the Chair of the Report Card on Georgia's Infrastructure Committee. He was lead civil engineer for the construction of two field hockey stadiums for the 1996 Atlanta Olympics and lead civil engineer for the University of Georgia Animal Science Center. Wilke completed his undergraduate degree at the University of Cincinnati and received his MBA from Georgia State University. He and his wife, Georgia, have two children.