Memorial Day Statement from Governor Sonny Perdue
Sunday, May 30, 2004 |
Contact: Office of Communications 404-651-7774
ATLANTA , GA - Governor Sonny Perdue issued the following Memorial Day statement:
"Since the founding of our nation, every generation of Americans has brought forth heroes to guard and defend our freedom. The hard lesson of liberty is that freedom has a price. It must be defended over and over again. America has always counted on the brave men and women of our Armed Services.
"Time and time again, our men and women in uniform, fresh in their youth, have answered the call to defend our shores. And right now, American sons and daughters, husbands and wives, and moms and dads are proudly wearing their country's uniform and protecting our freedom around the world. We are grateful for them and we pray daily for their safe return home.
"Memorial Day is sacred to the memory of all those Americans who made the supreme sacrifice for their country. They fought and died for love of country, for the sake of family, and for the buddy in the next foxhole. Above all, they fought because they believed in a cause higher than themselves. The American heroes we honor fought and died so that we, our children, and our children's children for generations to come might live in freedom.
"Our fallen heroes kept faith with us and we must keep faith with them. We must always cherish and defend the liberties for which they gave their lives. We must never forget their names, their stories, and what they did for us. Let us be inspired by their example and firm in our resolve to keep freedom's light shining."