Governor Perdue Launches New Official Website
Wednesday, April 28, 2004 |
Contact: Office of Communications 404-651-7774
Atlanta - Governor Sonny Perdue unveiled today his new official Web site - www.gov.state.ga.us. This marks the first major redesign of the site.
"As the virtual home of the Governor's Office, I am pleased to unveil this new user-friendly Web site," said Governor Sonny Perdue. "The citizens of Georgia should find this site a useful tool in their pursuit of policy and constituent information."
The new design features more information about the Governor, his vision for Georgia, and the important issues facing the state. On the home page is an easy-to-use navigation bar, rotating images of Governor Perdue, and a featured stories section that is updated regularly. The Web site also includes information about First Lady Mary Perdue, background information on the Governor's staff, photo galleries, Frequently Asked Questions, links to popular state and federal agencies, and contact information for constituents. All Executive Orders and Proclamations are posted to the site.
Members of the media will find an enhanced Newsroom section of the website. Included in this section are press releases, speeches, and video and audio files. Media may download audio remarks of the Governor in MP3 format. This section of the site will be updated on a continuous basis to provide information in a timely manner.
Enterpulse, a leading integrator of portal technologies based in Decatur, GA, designed the new Web site at no cost to the state. More information can be found at www.enterpulse.com.
The Georgia Technology Authority (GTA) will be responsible for its day-to-day maintenance. Individual users may not have access to the new Web site for up to ten days as Internet Service Providers update their servers. Both sites will be maintained until the completion of this transition period.