Governor Perdue Announces Appointments to State Boards and Commissions
Friday, April 30, 2004 |
Contact: Office of Communications 404-651-7774
Atlanta - Governor Sonny Perdue announced today the following appointments to State Boards and Commissions:
Georgia Council for the Arts
Lynn Acuff, 49, Moultrie, GA, At Large - Acuff is presently a second grade teacher in Colquitt County. She is a member of the Professional Association of Educators and the International Reading Association. Acuff is a sustainer of the Moultrie Junior Women's Club and a patron of the Colquitt County Arts Center. She received her undergraduate degree from Georgia Southern University and a master's degree from Georgia Southwestern College. Acuff and her husband, Bill, have two children.
Children and Youth Coordinating Council
Nighta Davis, 50, Hiawassee, GA, 9th Congressional District - Davis has been working the past two years to increase the number of foster homes in Towns and Union Counties. Towns County has grown from one foster home to over 10, and Union County has doubled from 11 to 22. Davis is active in the Georgia Mountain Arts Association and the Society of Children's Writers and Illustrators. She attended Gainesville Community College and Gwinnett Technical College. Davis and her husband, Reuben, have one daughter.
Steve Teske, 44, Jonesboro, GA, 13th Congressional District - Teske is presently a Judge for the Clayton County Juvenile Court. He serves on the Board of Directors of the Southern Crescent Habitat for Humanity and is a member of the National Association of Family and Juvenile Court Judges. Teske received the Judge Romae T. Powell Award presented by the Juvenile Court Association of Georgia in recognition of his outstanding contribution to the field of juvenile justice. He received his undergraduate and master's degrees from Georgia State University and a Juris Doctor from Georgia State University College of Law. He and his wife, Deborah, have three children.
Consumer Advisory Board
Carl Cansino, 33, Milledgeville, GA, 3rd Congressional District - Cansino is an attorney at The Cansino Law Firm, LLC. He previously served as the Assistant District Attorney of the Ocmulgee Judicial Court. He is a member of the Georgia Association of Criminal Defense Attorneys and the Baldwin County Bar Association. Cansino received his undergraduate degree from Florida State University and a Juris Doctor from John Marshall Law School. He has two children.
Board of Commissioners of the Georgia Student Finance Commission
Lindsey Tippins, 54, Marietta, GA, 6th Congressional District - Tippins is President and owner of Tippins Contracting Company, Inc. He is also Chairman of the Cobb Board of Education and serves on the Board of Directors of the Calvary Children's Home. Tippins earned his undergraduate degree from Georgia State University and a Juris Doctor from Woodrow Wilson College of Law. He and his wife, Ann, have two children.
Board of Trustees of the Subsequent Injury Trust Fund
Don Avery, 47, Columbus, GA, Rehabilitation Representative - Avery is the President and CEO of the Hughston Sports Medicine Hospital in Columbus. Previously, he was Senior Vice President of Ambulatory Care for Columbus Regional Healthcare System, and also served as Vice President of Operations for South Georgia Medical Center. Avery is a fellow with the American College of Healthcare Executives and past president of the Georgia Association of Healthcare Executives. He received his undergraduate degree from The United States Air Force Academy and a master's degree from the University of Florida. Avery and his wife, Fara, have two children.
State Board of Registration of Used Car Dealers and Used Motor Vehicles Parts Dealers
Sidney McLeod, 51, Fort Valley, GA, Rebuilder Representative - McLeod currently owns McLeod Auto Company. He previously worked with Hunter Chevrolet as a Body Shop Manager. McLeod has been involved in the auto industry through the issuing of Georgia numbers, rebuilt titles and salvage inspections. He attended Fruitland Baptist Bible College. McLeod and his wife, Sheila, have three children.