Georgia Receives $25 Million for G8 Summit Security Efforts
Thursday, April 1, 2004 |
Contact: Office of Communications 404-651-7774
Atlanta - Governor Sonny Perdue announced today that the state has been awarded $25 million in federal funding to help reimburse security costs associated with the G8 Summit planned in Sea Island, Georgia, June 8-10. The Governor's Office of Planning and Budget and the Georgia Office of Homeland Security will administer the funding, appropriated to the Department of State, Bureau of Diplomatic Security by Congress last fall.
"Georgia is proud to have the opportunity to host the world's leaders next June," said Governor Sonny Perdue. "These funds will go a long way toward helping state and local law enforcement secure coastal communities and create a peaceful environment in which G8 delegates can conduct their business."
Initial meetings have been held with local government representatives to explain the reimbursement process. The funding is earmarked to assist local and state law enforcement agencies, which will help provide security for the G8 Summit. Direct overtime for law enforcement personnel will be given top priority, along with training, meals and lodging, insurance and selected equipment.
All G8 security expenditures must be approved before reimbursement will be made by the State of Georgia. Local governments will be required to submit an Expenditure Approval Form no later than April 30, 2004.
More information on G8 Summit funding and reimbursement can be found on the Georgia Office of Homeland Security Web site at www.gahomelandsecurity.com.