Statement of Governor Perdue Regarding HOPE Scholarship
Wednesday, April 7, 2004 |
Contact: Office of Communications 404-651-7774
Atlanta - Governor Sonny Perdue issued the following statement today regarding the HOPE Scholarship reforms passed by the legislature:
"Today we have made great strides toward preserving the HOPE Scholarship for future generations. The plan passed today will maintain HOPE through at least 2010. I will continue to work hard to ensure that HOPE is available for our children and grandchildren.
"I want to especially thank Senators Bill Stephens, Bill Hamrick, and Brian Kemp as well as Representative Louise McBee and all the members of the bipartisan HOPE Commission who set the stage for this victory with their hard work."
The key provisions of the HOPE legislation are as follows:
- A 3.0 grade point average will be needed to qualify beginning the summer of 2007.
- Fee payments will be capped at the amount paid on January 1, 2004 . Fees may still be increased by colleges and universities with students paying the difference.
- Triggers will kick in when the year end balance for HOPE funds falls below the previous fiscal year.
- The first year the year end balance is lower than the year prior, book fees will be reduced to $150.00.
- The second year the year end balance is lower than the year prior, book fees will be eliminated.
- The third year the year end balance is lower than the year prior, student fees will be eliminated.
- The triggers relating to books will not apply to students eligible for the Pell Grant.
- All full-time students will undergo a new spring review to evaluate whether they have maintained a B average. In addition, the current 30-60-90 hour reviews will remain.
- A joint legislative committee will be organized to monitor HOPE, Pre-K programs, and other programs that receive lottery funds.