Governor Unveils G8 Education Project
Monday, March 29, 2004 |
Contact: Office of Communications 404-651-7774
Atlanta - Governor Sonny Perdue today unveiled details of an education project tied to the upcoming Sea Island Summit. The program, made possible by the G8 Host Committee, is designed to educate Georgia students about the Summit, the G8 member countries, and how these international partnerships are relevant to their lives.
"The G8 Summit is bringing world affairs to Georgia's doorstep. We want to maximize this opportunity for our students and show each of them how they can make a difference in our country's relationship with other nations," said Governor Sonny Perdue. "This curriculum supplement incorporates interactive learning tools that are engaging and age appropriate. I am grateful to the Host Committee and our corporate partners for their support of this initiative."
"I am delighted that the G8 Host Committee in partnership with the Georgia Council on Economic Education was able to develop such a worthwhile and topical educational tool for the students of Georgia," said Fred Cooper, G8 Host Committee Chairman. "We are, after all, educating potential world leaders."
Teacher kits will be sent to all of Georgia's public schools as well as 300 American schools around the world. The Georgia Council on Economic Education, with oversight from the Georgia Department of Education, designed the curriculum supplement.
"This is a significant event not only for our state, but for the world," said State Superintendent of Schools Kathy Cox. "These educational materials will help students across Georgia gain a deeper understanding of the economics and the interdependent nature of the world economy. The curriculum will also help students understand what makes Georgia unique as we share our state with the rest of the world."
A web site being designed by the Summit Planning Organization will provide a cultural exchange of ideas between Georgia students and the children of other G8 countries. When debuted in mid-April, the site will provide links to G8 country sites and will educate users about their leaders, their customs and other relevant information. The site will also provide fun facts about the summit. Teachers will be able to access lesson plans and suggestions for stimulating a dialogue on issues pertaining to the Summit and how those issues might affect students' lives. The site can be accessed through a link on the Sea Island Planning Organization website www.g8usa.gov
Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. is creating a new web-based cartoon called Animate Your World . Through the use of this entertaining vehicle, middle and high school children will learn about key summit themes such as the economy and the environment as well as learning about the G8 leaders and their cultures. It will be approximately five minutes in length and will be accessible through the web site.
Accompanying the teacher kits is a poster designed by famed Georgia artist, Steve Penley. The image is a colorful collage of world leaders, their nations' flags, and the gleaming St. Simons Lighthouse.
"It is such an honor to be asked to contribute to such a wonderful project. The opportunity to bring the G8 Summit to life for children is a once in a lifetime opportunity. If one child realizes that there is a world outside their community, then my art has accomplished my goal," says Penley.
As an extension of the education project, select Georgia elementary school students will join in the official G8 arrival ceremonies in June. These third graders, Georgia's future, will greet world leaders on the tarmac in a display of genuine Georgia hospitality.
The G8 Host Committee in partnership with the Summit Planning Organization, Georgia Council on Economic Education, Fannie Mae, the Annie E. Casey Foundation, and Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. helped make the education program possible.