Georgia Receives Over $67 Million in FY04 Homeland Security Grants
Tuesday, March 30, 2004 |
Contact: Office of Communications 404-651-7774
Atlanta - Governor Sonny Perdue said today that Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Office of Domestic Preparedness (ODP) has made available over $67 million in FY04 funding to help first responders throughout Georgia better protect their communities.
"I would like to express my appreciation to President Bush and Secretary Ridge for this funding which will help us reinforce our homeland security efforts," said Perdue. "With our state continuing to host global events like the Olympics and the upcoming G8 Summit, it is vital that we provide enhanced support to state and local first responders."
The grants will be distributed in Georgia as part of five programs - the State Homeland Security Program, $41.96. million; the Law Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Program (LETPP), $12.45 million; Citizen Corps, $871,825; Urban Area Security Initiative, $10.68 million; and the Mass Transit Security Grant, $1.48 million.
"The increased Homeland Security funding we've received over the past two years has given us the opportunity to build our prevention and response capabilities in accordance with our state and national strategy," said Bill Hitchens, Director of the Georgia Office of Homeland Security. "As a result Georgia is a much safer place to live."
Homeland Security Program: Over 80% of the $41.96 million in state funding will be allocated to 143 local governmental entities.
Law Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Program: Designated for law enforcement entities to provide enhanced capabilities for detecting, disrupting and preventing acts of terrorism. At least 80% must be passed through to locals. The State is also adding its 20% share to the effort.
Citizen Corps: The funding is designed to help provide the necessary resources for states and local communities to develop and sustain local Citizen Corps Councils to engage citizens in homeland security, community preparedness and family safety. Over 80% of the funding has been earmarked for 29 local projects ranging from $2,300 to $112,318.
Homeland Urban Area Security Initiative: Designed to enhance the overall security and preparedness levels to prevent, respond and recover from acts of terrorism. The City of Atlanta and Fulton and DeKalb counties, the grantees, will utilize the $10.68 million in funding to improve radio and data communications between first responders.
Mass Transit Security Grant: Awarded directly to the Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority (MARTA), this funding is earmarked to enhance security measures for the transit system.