Governor Perdue Forms QBE Task Force
Monday, February 9, 2004 |
Contact: Office of Communications 404-651-7774
Atlanta - Governor Sonny Perdue today formed a task force to review the QBE funding formula. The Quality Basic Education (QBE) funding formula determines the amount of state funds that are allocated to Georgia's K-12 schools. The formula is based on student population and the demographics and needs of the student population.
"I want an honest and open look at realigning our school funding formula to ensure that it better serves all students in this new era of accountability," said Governor Sonny Perdue. "The task force is a balanced group with representatives from every part of the state, including legislators, education experts, and business and community leaders."
Members of the task force include:
- Dean Alford, Task Force Chair, Rockdale County, State Board of Education
- Bill Barr, Henry County, former Superintendent of McDuffie County Schools
- Sandra Neal, Crawford County, Retired Superintendent
- Al Hunter, Brantley County, Superintendent
- Steve Dolinger, Fulton County, Head of the Georgia Partnership for Excellence in Education
- Tim Connell, Gwinnett County, Director of the Office of Planning and Budget
- Kathy Cox, Fayette County, State Superintendent of Schools
- Guy Middleton, Lumpkin County, former State Representative
- Jeanette Jamieson, Stephens County, State Representative
- Brian Kemp, Clarke County, State Senator
- Franklin Perry, Sumter County, Superintendent
- Bill Fuqua, Lowndes County, School Board Chair
- Alvin Wilbanks, Gwinnett County, Superintendent
- Jennifer Albritton, Taylor, County, Budget Director
- Victor Morgan, Bartow County, Assistant Superintendent, Special Education
- Shirley Brooks, Ben Hill County, School Board member
- Gwendolyn Tucker, Warren County, School Board Chair
- Gary Smith, Dougherty County, private business
- Robert W. Krueger, Pulaski County, private business
The formation of the task force is authorized under O.C.G.A 20-2-161, "the Governor shall appoint a task force every three years for the purposes of reviewing the effectiveness of existing program weights and recommending to the General Assembly any changes needed." The only previous time a task force was organized to review QBE was 1988. The QBE formula was created in 1985.