Governor Perdue Forms Network to Coordinate State's Entrepreneur and Small Business Efforts
Thursday, February 5, 2004 |
Contact: Office of Communications 404-651-7774
Atlanta - During a speech to the Second Georgia Summit on Entrepreneurship in Atlanta, Governor Sonny Perdue announced the creation of the Georgia Entrepreneur and Small Business Coordinating Network. The network will be managed by the Georgia Department of Industry, Trade and Tourism's Office of Entrepreneur & Small Business Development.
"Entrepreneurship drives our state's economy and creates thousands of jobs for the people of Georgia," said Governor Sonny Perdue. "The best hope for broad economic recovery, especially for rural Georgia, is helping small businesses and entrepreneurs succeed. We must ensure that entrepreneurs and small businesses are a valued and central component of our overall economic development strategy."
As directed by Executive Order, the network will be responsible for making recommendations to improve the support of minority business start-ups, rural and agriculture focused entrepreneurs, entrepreneur education in the state's school systems, and community small business assistance. The network will also establish an Advisory Council to provide insight and advice on future endeavors. It will be comprised of local entrepreneurs, small business owners and non-profit support groups that together will seek to change the culture of local economic development. An entrepreneur and small business website will be created to allow Georgia communities and businesses to access state, federal and non-profit information.
The members of the network will include representatives from state agencies involved in entrepreneur and small business support and development. Two Governor appointed entrepreneurs will serve as advisors. A community economic development representative will be appointed by the Commissioner of the Department of Industry, Trade & Tourism.
"This is not another feel good governmental steering committee. I expect and will demand concrete results that support our economic recovery and a culture change in how we do the people's business," added Perdue.
Text of the Executive Order
Georgia small businesses comprise 97 percent of all businesses in the state, employing more half of Georgia's workforce and generating more than half of the state's gross domestic product; |
Small businesses are the principle source of new jobs in Georgia's economy and are instrumental to the economic health of Georgia's economy; |
Enhancing opportunities for entrepreneurial development and small business formation and growth is good business for Georgia; |
Georgia's entrepreneurs and small business owners have been the foundation for Georgia's diversified economy; |
Entrepreneur and small business development is recognized as the best strategy for improving rural Georgia's economic revival; |
Research shows the need for increased regional outreach to Georgia communities to help build the entrepreneur and small business culture; |
Research shows the need for access to capital for rural start ups and expansions and to integrate entrepreneur and small business needs into other state incentive and financial programs; |
Research shows that there is a need for community-based entrepreneur and small business development strategies throughout Georgia's communities; |
All lawmakers and community leaders should constantly seek ways to improve the economic climate of the State in order to minimize Georgia's small business failure and bankruptcy rates; |
Georgia's economic development strategy must include entrepreneur and small business assistance and concentrate on creating wealth across all boundaries; |
Georgia's numerous small business and entrepreneur outreach services should be coordinated to improve services and governmental efficiency; |
Research shows that there is a critical need for elevating awareness of state and other programs; and |
I commend the work of the Entrepreneur & Small Business Design Team and do accept their recommendations to improve the economy of Georgia. |
ORDERED: | There is established the Georgia Entrepreneur and Small Business Coordinating Network (the "Network") to coordinate all of the state's entrepreneur and small business efforts, |
That the Network shall: Be comprised of representatives from all state agencies involved in entrepreneur and small business support and development as well as two Governor-appointed entrepreneurs to serve as advisors, as well as a community economic development representative to be appointed by the Commissioner of Industry, Trade & Tourism, and Address and make recommendations to improve the support of minority start-ups, Address and make recommendations to improve the support of agriculture focused entrepreneurs, Address and make recommendations to improve the support of community assistance to improve local small business climates, Establish an Advisory Council to provide insight and advice on future endeavors, to be comprised of local entrepreneurs, small business owners and non-profit support groups, that together shall seek to change the culture of local economic development, and Support the creation of a central Entrepreneur & Small Business website by the Office of Entrepreneur & Small Business Development to allow Georgia communities and businesses to access state, Federal and non-profit information, Be coordinated by the Georgia Department of Industry, Trade and Tourism's Office of Entrepreneur & Small Business Development, |
ORDERED: | That the One Georgia Authority seek innovative ways to spur and support entrepreneurial enterprises in Georgia's rural communities, and |
ORDERED: | Georgia's high schools, the University System, and Department of Technical and Adult Education to enhance the exposure and increase the number of students involved in entrepreneur education offerings, and |
ORDERED: | That state legislators and local elected officials consider the impact of their bills, rules and regulations on small businesses, and lastly, |
ORDERED: | To recognized and acknowledge the work of Georgia's small businesses and entrepreneurs I do declare this day, February 5, 2004, Entrepreneur and Small Business Day in Georgia. |
SO ORDERED this 5th day of February 2004
(Signed: Sonny Perdue)