State Transportation Leaders Pledge Cooperation to Meet Georgia's Transportation Needs
Thursday, January 15, 2004 |
Contact: Office of Communications 404-651-7774
Department Heads Sign Memorandum of Understanding
Atlanta - Georgia 's major transportation agencies have pledged to work collaboratively together in the best interests of transportation across the state, Governor Sonny Perdue announced today.
"Georgians need to spend less time in traffic and more time at home with their families. Our major transportation agencies must work together to relieve traffic congestion for commuters in metro Atlanta and develop our road system throughout the state," said Governor Sonny Perdue. "Cooperation through teamwork amongst our transportation leaders is essential to meeting our transportation needs."
Perdue formally delivered the oath of office to three recently appointed transportation agency heads; Harold Linnenkohl , Commissioner of the Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT); Steve Stancil , Executive Director of the Georgia Regional Transportation Authority (GRTA); and Doug Hooker, Executive Director of the State Road and Tollway Authority (SRTA). Following the swearing in ceremony, a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was signed outlining objectives for transportation policy and roles for each of the three departments.
Perdue also performed the swearing in of Jim Davis, Commissioner of the Department of Motor Vehicle Safety (DMVS), during today's ceremony.
Text of the MOU
Memorandum of Understanding
Department of Transportation
Georgia Regional Transportation Authority
State Road and Tollway Authority
Transportation is a cornerstone of economic development for the citizens of Georgia . It is also a quality of life issue. Recognizing the importance of transportation and the need to maximize resources, eliminate duplicative efforts, and enhance service delivery it is incumbent that all three state transportation agencies work collaboratively together.
To this end, we agree:
- To continue to address the needs of and maintain the state's exemplary transportation system;
- To continue to address and improve transportation congestion issues in a fact-based, cost effective manner;
- To balance environmental concerns with transportation needs while aggressively working toward improvement of air quality;
- To address transportation economic development issues statewide;
- To develop short and long-term comprehensive transportation plans that address near-term and long-term mobility/economic issues;
- To maintain the long-term financial viability of transportation funding; and
- To work with the public, and other regional, state and federal agencies to accomplish these shared goals.
These goals will be accomplished through professionalism, trust, cooperative agreements and practices that become the hallmarks of transportation policy and management.
Departmental Roles
In order to affect a collaborative transportation system, roles and responsibilities of the departmental partners need to be clear. Although not an exhaustive list, the following major governance responsibilities are agreed to:
Department of Transportation (GDOT) - Planning/Construction/Implementation
Will provide over-all coordination of statewide transportation planning and research;
Will design, implement, operate and maintain the State Highway System;
Will provide planning and implementation assistance to airports, ports, rail and transit systems statewide;
Will construct all state transportation projects;
Will provide assistance/contract oversight of local transportation projects;
Will develop the State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) and cooperate with the Metropolitan Planning Organizations ( MPOs ) throughout the state in the development of their Transportation Improvement Programs ( TIPs )
Georgia Regional Transportation Authority (GRTA) - Coordination/Planning
Will partner with state and regional agencies to prioritize transportation plans and programs and will cooperatively establish investment priorities and resource allocations, including transportation bond issues, to improve Georgia 's mobility, air quality and land use practices.
Will measure effectiveness in improving air quality, mobility, accessibility and land use practices, and in reducing congestion.
Will encourage land use practices that promote efficient use of transportation investments.
Will cooperatively develop transit plans for areas within its jurisdiction.
Will coordinate transit services to provide seamless and accessible connections within the areas of its jurisdiction.
Will implement transit services through a combination of entities including local transit authorities, cities, counties and private operators.
State Road and Tollway Authority ( SRTA) - Financing/Administration
Will provide transportation debt financing;
Will operate state tollways ;
Will maintain a transportation revenue forecast as needed;
Will develop a transportation debt management schedule for bonds financed through SRTA;
Will complete toll revenue studies as the need is identified.
Regular Meetings
It is agreed that all three Commissioner/Executive Directors will meet several times each year to discuss issues of mutual interest.
Mutually agreed to January 15, 2004 .
Harold Linnenkohl , Commissioner, Department of Transportation
Steve Stancil , Executive Director, Georgia Regional Transportation Authority
Doug Hooker, Executive Director, State Road and Tollway Authority