Governor Perdue Outlines Additional State Support To City of Atlanta for Funeral Activities of Former Atlanta Mayor Maynard Jackson
Thursday, June 26, 2003 |
Contact: Office of Communications 404-651-7774
Georgia Building Authority To Provide Discounted Evening Parking Today
Atlanta - Governor Sonny Perdue today outlined additional support the State of Georgia is providing to the City of Atlanta as it plans the funeral and related functions in memory of former Atlanta Mayor Maynard Jackson, Jr.
Georgia Building Authority To Offer Discounted Evening Parking Rates
The Georgia Building Authority (GBA) operates a number of parking lots adjacent to the State Capitol, including the Steve Polk parking lot, located at 4 Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive and the 90 Central parking lot located at 90 Central Avenue. Per the Governor's direction, GBA officials confirmed that a discounted evening parking rate of $3 per car would be offered today to citizens paying their final respects to former Atlanta Mayor Maynard Jackson. Mayor Jackson's body is scheduled to lie in state at Atlanta's City Hall from noon until 8:00 p.m.
Combined, these lots will offer approximately 830 parking spaces within walking distance of Atlanta's City Hall. Typically, the GBA leases both lots to a private contractor that charges an evening parking rate of $8 per car. The evening rate will be available after 4:30 p.m. and be available on a first come, first served basis.
Georgia State Patrol To Provide Supplemental Officers
The Georgia State Patrol (GSP) is assisting the Atlanta Police Department by providing officers to assist with traffic and related security functions. GSP officers are providing assistance with activities scheduled for today, Friday and Saturday. The State of Georgia will cover all personnel costs associated with the GSP.
Additional Funds Secured To Cover City of Atlanta Police Overtime Costs
Earlier in the week, Governor Perdue's office was contacted by the City of Atlanta with a request to provide $25,000 from the Governor's Emergency Fund to cover police overtime expenses.
The Governor's office contacted Mayor Shirley Franklin's office today to confirm that funds have been secured from private donations. All checks will be made payable to the City of Atlanta.
Appreciation Expressed From City Of Atlanta For State's Efforts
Mayor Franklin expressed her appreciation to the Governor and his staff for their efforts to secure the needed funding and the additional assistance the state has provided in support of the final services for former Mayor Maynard Jackson.