Easter Weekend Radio Address of Governor Sonny Perdue
Friday, April 18, 2003 |
Contact: Office of Communications 404-651-7774
Atlanta - Governor Sonny Perdue recorded the following Easter radio address today for broadcast on Georgia radio stations this weekend. To download the address for broadcasting, visit http://www.gov.state.ga.us/document.asp?doc=news.
Prepared Text of Governor Perdue's Easter Radio Address
"Hello. Like many of you, Mary and I will be spending time at home with family this weekend. And the Perdues want to join in wishing all of you a happy Easter and Passover.
"Our thoughts are especially with the men and women of our military deployed overseas and away from their families. We are proud of the job they are doing and we all pray for their safe return home.
"The entire world is reminded again this week of the hope that lives and endures forever.
"For Jews and Christians, this is a time of joy and renewal. Passover celebrates the deliverance of the Jewish people from oppression by the hand of a faithful God.
"And on Easter Sunday, many Christians will celebrate an eternal hope that overcomes even death.
"These holy days represent some of the most profound hopes of humanity. It is a time when we are reminded that there is suffering in the world, but also the promise of God's mercy to overcome all sorrows.
"At the Capitol next week we will conclude a long legislative session that has been filled with weary hours and sometimes heated words.
"As we do so, it is my prayer that these precious days of hope and renewal will inspire all of our elected leaders to return to our work refreshed in spirit, renewed in purpose and rededicated to serving the people of Georgia.
"In that spirit, let us seek reconciliation among ourselves ... and the resolution of the tasks set before us.
"Let us remember that we are but stewards and that we are charged to do this work not for ourselves, but for others.
"Once again, Mary and I hope that this holy season will bring a renewal of faith to those who seek it, and comfort to those who need it.
"And to all who observe these special days, we wish you a joyful Easter and a blessed Passover."