Perdue Taps More Leaders for Transition, Inaugural Teams
Thursday, November 7, 2002 |
Hank Huckaby, the Senior Vice-President for Finance and Administration at the University of Georgia, will serve as Budget Director for the Perdue Transition Team.
Perdue also announced that Alec Poitevint, former Georgia Republican Party Chairman and former Treasurer of the Republican National Committee, Nancy Coverdell, wife of the late Senator Paul Coverdell, will serve as Co-Chairs for the Perdue Inaugural Committee.
Hank Morrison Huckaby
Senior Vice President for Finance and Administration
The University of Georgia
2000 - Present Senior Vice President, Finance and Administration, University of Georgia, Athens
1997 - 2000 Director, Carl Vinson Institute of Government, University of Georgia, Athens
1995 - 1997 Director, Fiscal Research Program, Georgia State University, Atlanta
1991 - 1995 Director, Office of Planning and Budget (OPB), State of Georgia, Atlanta
1980 - 1991 Executive Director, Georgia Housing and Finance Authority, Atlanta
1977 - 1980 Commissioner, Georgia Department of Community Affairs, Atlanta
1975 - 1977 Director, Georgia State Senate Research Office, Atlanta
1973 - 1975 Senior Policy Coordinator, Governor's Office of Planning and Budget, Atlanta
1972 - 1973 Registrar, Director of Admissions, Gordon College, Barnesville, Georgia
1971 - 1972 Research Associate, Georgia Education Improvement Council, Atlanta
1967 - 1971 Assistant Dean of Admissions, Georgia State University, Atlanta
A.B.D. Department of Political Science, University of Georgia, D.P.A. Program Concentration in Public Budgeting and Finance; dissertation in progress.
M.B.A. Georgia State University. 1968, International Business
A.B. Georgia State University. 1965, Political Science
A.A. Young Harris College. 1962, Liberal Arts
Continuing Education programs at Stanford, Harvard, and Duke Universities
DeKalb College, 1976-1977. American Government; American History (Survey Course)
Emory University, 1977. Graduate Course on Contemporary Issues in State Government
University of Georgia, 1991-1999. Guest class lecturer on state budgeting and higher education finance
University of Georgia, 1985-1990. Guest class lecturer on state housing policy
Young Harris College, 1993-1995. Guest class lecturer on state finance
Contributing Author, "Governor's Report on an Adequate Program for Education in Georgia," 1973
Contributing Author, "Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations in Russia," Washington, D.C.: U.S. Agency for International Development, 1993.
"Debt Management Practices in the States," Prepared and published by the Financial Management Committee of the National Association of State Budget Offices, April 1994.
"State Acquisition for Fernbank Museum of Natural History: Analysis and Proposal," Huckaby, Henry M., Seaman, Bruce and Sjoquist, David L. (Working Paper), September 1995.
"Bangladesh: Municipal Finance Management Sector Study," Martinez, Jorge et.al., Draft Report, The World Bank, Washington, D.C., August 1997.
"Budget Redirection in Georgia State Government," Huckaby, Henry M. and Lauth, Thomas P., Under review by the Journal of Public Budgeting and Finance, May 1997.
"State Hospital Resource Allocation and Reinvestment in Georgia: Using Fiscal Policy to Impact Organizational Outcomes," Huckaby, Henry M. and Hepburn, Valerie, Unpublished paper presented at the 25th Anniversary Symposium of the Doctoral Program in Public Administration, University of Georgia, May 1997.
American Society of Public Administration
Government Financial Officers Association
Board of Visitors, School of Social Work, University of Georgia
National Association of College and University Chief Business Officers
Southern Association of College and University Business Officers PAST
National Association of State Budget Officers, Executive Committee and Committee Chair National Council of State Housing Agencies (President, 2 years; Vice-President; Treasurer; Board of Directors) 1980-1991
Council of State Community Affairs Agencies (President; Board of Directors) 1977-1980
Advisory Council of the College of Public and Urban Affairs, Georgia State University
Atlanta Mortgage Consortium, Board Member
Atlanta Housing Resource Center, Board Member
Georgia Housing Trust Fund Commission, Member
Federal Home Loan Bank of Atlanta's Affordable Housing Advisory Council, Member
Hospital Resource Allocation Task Force, Department of Human Resources, Co-Chair
Georgia Economic Development Association
National Advisory Board for the School of Business, Clark-Atlanta University
Dean's Council, Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University
Governor's State Policy Council for Children and Families, Vice Chairman
Board of Turstees, St Mary's Foundation Board
Athens Rotary Club
Athens Area Chamber of Commerce
President, Douglas County Soccer Association
Citizens and Merchants State Bank, Douglasville, Georgia, Board Chairman
Carroll Tech Foundation, Inc., Member
Douglasville Downtown Development Authority, Member
Douglasville-Douglas County Community Arts Council, Board Member
Vison 2020 Steering Committee for Atlanta Regional Commission, State Government Representative
Inner Harbour Hospitals, Ltd., Chairman Board of Trustees (Emeritus)
Douglasville-Douglas County Water and Sewer Authority, Member
Homeless Council, North Georgia Conference of the United Methodist Church, Chairman (1989-1992)
Citizens and Merchants State Bank, Douglasville, Director (Organizing Director)
Conference Council on Finance and Administration (President), North Georgia Conference of the United Methodist Church
Bishop's Leadership Forum, Member
Inaugural Regional Leadership Institute, Graduate
Global Leaders for the South Institute, Graduate
Leadership Georgia (1980), Graduate
Citizen of the Year, Douglas County, 1997. Awarded by the Chamber of Commerce