Governor and First Lady to Host Second Annual Prom Party
Tuesday, December 5, 2006 |
Contact: Office of Communications 404-651-7774
Governor and First Lady to Host Second Annual Prom Party
Statewide Competition to Select School for Party at the Governor's Mansion
ATLANTA – Governor and Mrs. Perdue announced today that they will host a Prom Party at the Governor’s Mansion in Spring 2007 for students from one Georgia high school selected through a statewide competition. Schools interested in the prom party will be asked to submit a 30-second video public service announcement (PSA) on the dangers and consequences associated with impaired driving among teenagers. The winning school will receive a prom party at the Governor’s Mansion.
“The first prom party was a huge success, so Mary and I look forward to hosting students again next spring at the Governor’s Mansion,” said Governor Sonny Perdue. “We encourage parents and community leaders to provide high school students with a safe and fun environment for festivities after prom.”
The 30-second PSA should address the dangers and consequences associated with impaired driving among teenagers. The winning school will be announced February 26, 2007.
The PSA submissions will be judged on content, creativity and effectiveness of the message by a panel of judges. Production quality will not be a determining factor. The videos must be postmarked no later than January 31, 2007 and mailed to:
Office of the Governor
Attn: Hannah Heck
142 State Capitol
Atlanta, GA 30334
Acceptable formats for the videos include DVD, VHS and electronic formats – Windows Media and QuickTime. Georgia Public Broadcasting will professionally reproduce the winning PSA for broadcast on television stations statewide during the 2007 prom season.
In May 2006, the Governor and Mrs. Perdue hosted Brookwood High School students at the Governor’s Mansion following their prom. The event was attended by approximately 230 students. Brookwood High School was selected based on its pre-existing programs that promote safe driving and responsible behavior.
The Governor’s Office of Highway Safety (GOHS) and the Georgia Sheriffs’ Association are partnering with the Governor and First Lady to organize the prom party.
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