Georgia Recognizes Schools for High Academic Performance
Tuesday, September 26, 2006 |
Contact: Office of Communications 404-651-7774
Georgia Recognizes Schools for High Academic Performance
Governor’s Office of Student Achievement Releases the Annual State Report Card
ATLANTA – Governor Sonny Perdue today recognized 269 schools for improving and promoting excellence in student academic achievement. The schools were selected based on their performance in Georgia’s Single Statewide Accountability System. The system was implemented in 2005 by the Governor’s Office of Student Achievement (GOSA) in collaboration with the Governor’s Office and the Georgia Department of Education.
Awards include platinum, gold, silver or bronze recognition banners and certificates for two categories – (1) greatest gain in meeting and exceeding academic standards or (2) highest percentage of students meeting and exceeding academic standards. Fifteen of the 269 award winning schools have earned recognition in both categories.
“I applaud the accomplishment of these award recipients,” said Governor Sonny Perdue. “They have accepted the challenge to serve as models of the academic preparation that our students will need to compete in the global marketplace.”
“These schools are leading the way in Georgia,” said State Superintendent of Schools Kathy Cox. “They are leading the way in achievement and they are leading the way in improvement. I am proud to recognize these wonderful students, teachers and principals.”
“Georgia’s Single Statewide Accountability System encourages schools and districts to establish aggressive academic goals in their quest to move beyond adequacy to educational excellence,” said Dr. Martha Reichrath, GOSA executive director.
A complete list of the 269 schools and the 2005-2006 K-12 Public Schools Annual Report Card are now available at http://reportcard2006.gaosa.org/k12. State law requires the report to be released each year by December 1.
The following K-12 components are available in this initial release:
- Accountability – Accountability profile and performance index results.
- Georgia Tests – Criterion-Referenced Competency Tests (CRCT), Middle Grades Writing Assessment, Georgia High School Writing Test, Georgia High School Graduation Tests and Georgia Alternative Assessment.
- Indicators – Retained students, graduation rate, 7-12 dropouts, 9-12 dropouts, attendance and high school completers.
- Student & School Demographics – Community data, compensatory programs, selected programs and enrollment by demographics.
- Personnel & Fiscal – certified personnel.
Additional report card components, such as reports for the University System of Georgia, the Department of Early Care and Learning, the Department of Technical and Adult Education and the Professional Standards Commission, will be phased-in over the next several months.
For more information regarding the Single Statewide Accountability System and the State Report Card, please visit the GOSA website at www.gaosa.org.
Attached are the 269 schools being recognized today:
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2006_SSAS_Award_Totals.pdf |
2006 SSAS Award Totals | |
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2006_SSAS_Awards_15_Dual_Winners.pdf |
2006 SSAS Awards 15 Dual Winners |