Governor Perdue and the Georgia Chamber of Commerce Launch Workforce Training Initiative
Wednesday, August 23, 2006 |
Contact: Office of Communications 404-651-7774
Governor Perdue and the Georgia Chamber of Commerce Launch Workforce Training Initiative
Employees and Communities to be Certified as “Work Ready”
AUGUSTA, Ga. – Today at the 2006 Celebrating Rural Georgia conference in Augusta, Governor Perdue announced the launch of Georgia’s Work Ready Program, an ambitious plan that will improve the training and marketability of Georgia’s workforce, ultimately bringing healthy economic growth to all parts of the state.
“Today we are launching the Work Ready Program to help Georgia citizens get the job training they need,” said Governor Sonny Perdue. “The Work Ready Program will bridge the gap that exists in some communities where the local workforce lacks the right education and training for the jobs of the 21st Century economy.”
The two-fold plan establishes the Work Ready Certificate program for individuals, providing employers with documentation that each worker meets a minimum set of skill and education standards and is ready for employment. Workers will take a validated job assessment and their skills will be matched to current and future job opportunities through an occupational profile.
“Through the Work Ready program we’ll have another tool to improve citizens’ job prospects, help communities grow and prosper, and attract new business throughout Georgia,” said George Israel, president and CEO of the Georgia Chamber of Commerce.
Assessments will be done through the state’s 34 technical colleges of the Department of Technical and Adult Education (DTAE). The colleges will also provide education and skills training to help those whose occupational profiles need upgrading.
In order for potential employers to know that communities are ready, Governor Perdue and the Georgia Chamber of Commerce are also creating the Certified Work Ready Community, a voluntary initiative where a community can show they have the validated, skilled workforce needed to fill current and future jobs. Local education, economic development and workforce development professionals, using the number of individuals within the community with Work Ready Certificates as a basis, will leverage their resources to seek the Certified Work Ready Community designation. The criteria will also require communities to demonstrate a commitment to improve high school graduation rates.
“We believe the Georgia Work Ready Certificate is an innovative way to help individuals highlight their skills and abilities, as well as identify skill gaps and the training necessary to fill those gaps,” said Mike Garrett, president and CEO of Georgia Power.
In addition to Georgia Power, several companies were present today at the Celebrating Rural Georgia Conference to illustrate their support and recognition of the Work Ready initiative. Other companies that have already indicated support for the initiative include Callaway Gardens, IBM, Milsco Manufacturing Company and UPS.
“We want every company thinking about relocating to Georgia or expanding their business to be able to easily identify communities that have a workforce trained and ready to work. Training Georgia’s workforce gives more communities the opportunity to attract new jobs needed for economic vitality across the state,” said Governor Perdue.
The Governor’s Office of Workforce Development will coordinate the program. It will be funded through discretionary funds of the Workforce Investment Act. An RFP was released today to select an assessment tool that will be utilized statewide to qualify adults, out of school youth, and recent high school graduate’s ready skills and work ready characteristics for a specific job as determined by a customized job profile or standard occupation job profile. More information is available at the Georgia Work Ready website located at www.gaworkready.org. To view the Governor’s announcement via video stream, go to: www.accelstream.com/gaworkready.
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