Governor Perdue and Vice President Cheney Thank Troops at Fort Stewart
Friday, July 21, 2006 |
Contact: Office of Communications 404-651-7774
Governor Perdue and Vice President Cheney Thank Troops at Fort Stewart
FORT STEWART, Ga. – Governor Sonny Perdue and Vice President Dick Cheney today delivered remarks to approximately 9,000 troops and their families from the Third Infantry Division (3rd ID) and the Georgia National Guard’s 48th Brigade Combat Team (48th BCT). Governor Perdue and Vice President Cheney thanked the troops for their service in the War on Terror.
The 3rd ID returned from their second deployment to Iraq in February 2006. The 48th BCT returned to Fort Stewart in May 2006 after serving one year in Iraq. The 48th BCT included 4,300 members, the largest Georgia National Guard deployment since World War II.
Text of Governor Perdue’s remarks is below:
“Since the days of General Oglethorpe – who was also Georgia’s first Governor – Georgians have patriotically embraced our military role. We have always given more than our fair share in defense of our nation.
“And I am truly proud to lead a state with such noble, courageous citizens as you.
“Whether you are Georgians by birth. . . or by the good grace of God. . . all of you here play an important role in the proud military tradition of our state. That goes for all the family members as well as those who serve overseas.
“I thank you all for your service and sacrifice.
“I’ve met many of you from the 3rd Infantry Division and the 48th Brigade . . . and it was an honor to speak with each of you. I saw many of you off on your deployments and welcomed you home as you returned this spring.
“Last fall I had the privilege of visiting some of you in the Middle East over the Thanksgiving holidays.
“That visit served as a reminder – not only of how thankful I am for your selfless service . . . but also as a reminder of how thankful we all should be, for the privileges and opportunities we are afforded every day — because of you.
“Anchoring America’s faith in freedom and democracy abroad is a righteous task. Our guardsmen and active duty soldiers have anchored this faith . . . so that it may blossom into seeds of hope for the people of Iraq, Afghanistan, and the entire region.
“As we remain vigilant, these seeds will flourish across the world.
‘I was blessed with the opportunity to witness those seeds of hope first hand, and I can only begin to describe how inspiring that visit became for me on a very personal level.
“The blessings of our country are great. It is our privilege to share those blessings. And we are indebted to those who fight – not only to defend them for us – but to deliver those blessings to people across the world.
‘We are gathered here today as a tribute to you, our brave men and women who place duty before self. It’s a tribute to you and your families, who bear the burden of your sacrifice.
“And it is only fitting that we take a moment to remember – and to honor – those who gave their lives in service.
“We hold dear in our hearts and prayers the friends and families who lost a loved one. And have no doubt – they do not grieve alone. Every Georgian – every American – joins us in honoring the memory of those heroes.
“I sincerely appreciate the opportunity to be here with you today at Fort Stewart. I know Major General Webster demonstrated outstanding leadership for the last few years . . . and we are looking forward to Major General Lynch continuing your tradition of excellence.
‘I am pleased to add my praises and gratitude to those of Vice President Cheney today. We all appreciate his visit here to Fort Stewart, and I thank him for his support of you.
“I remind you of our eternal thanks for your honorable service. Thank you, and God bless.”
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