Governor Perdue and Chancellor Davis Announce "Fixed for Four" Tuition Guarantee
Tuesday, April 18, 2006 |
Contact: Office of Communications 404-651-7774
Governor Perdue and Chancellor Davis Announce ‘Fixed for Four’ Tuition Guarantee
ATLANTA - Governor Sonny Perdue issued the following statement today regarding the vote of the Board of Regents to implement a new policy guaranteeing a fixed tuition rate for all students beginning with their freshman year of college.
“Moms and Dads know the importance of certainty in financial planning, especially when they have children in college. Under this new plan, tuition for Georgia students will be ‘fixed for four.’ They will be locked into a fixed tuition rate for four years. This guarantee will eliminate the worry of adjusting the family budget every year due to the rising cost of college tuition.
“Georgia’s new program will provide tuition predictability, while simultaneously encouraging students to graduate on time.
“I’d like to thank Chancellor Davis and his staff, as well as Chairman Shelnut and the all the Regents for their work on this new ‘fixed for four’ tuition guarantee. The New Georgia is one in which independent arms of government, like the Governor’s Office and the Board of Regents, work together as a team. Teamwork and partnership allows us to share ideas, like this one, that provide enormous benefit to the families and students of Georgia’s university system.”