Georgia Workforce Training Named Best in Nation
Thursday, December 1, 2005 |
Contact: Office of Communications 404-651-7774
Quick Start and State Technical Colleges Credited
ATLANTA – Site selection consultants from around the country recently recognized Georgia 's workforce training programs as the best in the nation according to Expansion Management magazine.
“Programs are judged not only in terms of their financial value but also in terms of ease of usage and applicability,” reported Expansion Management magazine when announcing the results of its annual survey. “In a poll of 80 corporate site location consultants, Georgia 's workforce training program was ranked No. 1 in the country.”
Site selection consultants are economic development professionals who advise companies on where to locate new facilities that create new jobs. Quick Start, which provides customized training free of charge to qualified companies, and Georgia 's system of technical colleges were specifically credited with earning Georgia the top ranking.
“Quick Start and our technical college system are two of Georgia 's best assets for attracting new business to Georgia . This survey demonstrates that our commitment to a quality workforce is making a difference,” said Governor Sonny Perdue. “When I travel overseas and meet with executives of major international companies, the quality of our workforce and praise for Quick Start and our technical colleges is almost always a part of the conversation.”
“What we provide companies and the citizens they employ are the training services needed to create and keep jobs in Georgia ,” said Jackie Rohosky, assistant commissioner for the Department of Technical and Adult Education, who oversees the Quick Start program. “It's an honor to be recognized by the very professionals who help companies decide where they will make new investment.”
Last year, Quick Start delivered training for 283 projects – 70% of which were outside metro Atlanta – with client companies creating 29,451 direct or indirect new jobs. More than 1,600 companies contracted for customized training with Georgia 's technical colleges, which involved more than 120,000 trainees. Quick Start and Georgia 's Technical College System are both part of the Georgia Department of Technical and Adult Education.