Governor Perdue Visits Georgia Troops in Iraq
Saturday, November 26, 2005 |
Contact: Office of Communications 404-651-7774
Continues on Trip to Middle East that Began in Qatar
BAGHDAD, Iraq – Yesterday Governor Sonny Perdue continued his mission to bring holiday cheer to Georgia troops deployed in the Middle East. Governor Perdue traveled in Baghdad, Iraq visiting thousands of Georgia troops on the day after Thanksgiving. The trip, organized by the Pentagon, was an opportunity for Governor Perdue to personally express his appreciation and support for troops who are on the front lines, building democracy and winning the global war on terror.
“I’m continually impressed with the fortitude and strength of the Georgia troops that I’ve met,” said Governor Sonny Perdue. “I am proud to share a home state with the brave and honorable men and women of the Georgia National Guard and the United States military.”
Governor Perdue, along with Governors Haley Barbour of Mississippi, Jennifer Granholm of Michigan and Kathleen Sebelius of Kansas, toured Iraq to observe the crucial role the National Guard is playing in the region. In addition to visiting troops, the governors met with senior Coalition leaders. The governors also had the opportunity to witness the critical training of Iraqi Security Forces.