Statement of Governor Perdue Regarding Fundraising Campaign for the Georgia National Guard Family Support Foundation
Thursday, November 10, 2005 |
Contact: Office of Communications 404-651-7774
ATLANTA – Governor Sonny Perdue issued the following statement today regarding the kick-off of a $1 million fundraising campaign for the Georgia National Guard Family Support Foundation:
“The family members of our military men and women make great sacrifices when their loved ones are deployed and it is important that we take care of these military families in times of need. I encourage all Georgians that are able to contribute to the Georgia National Guard Support Foundation. Together we can assist military families with unexpected expenses that may arise and in a small way demonstrate our gratitude for their sacrifice.”
Contributions can be made online at www.georgiaguardfamily.org. The goal of this fund raising effort is $1 million by the end of the year.