Georgia Donates Meals to Alabama Seniors
Thursday, November 10, 2005 |
Contact: Office of Communications 404-651-7774
Alabama Reserves Used to Assist Hurricane Evacuees
ATLANTA – Governor Sonny Perdue announced today that the Georgia Department of Human Resources (DHR) Division of Aging Services is donating 125,000 shelf stable meals to the Alabama Department of Senior Services (ADSS) to help offset the cost of meals purchased to serve Alabama residents and evacuees affected by Hurricane Katrina.
“Over the last several months, I’ve been touched by the extraordinary generosity of Georgia citizens who opened their hearts and homes to those in need,” said Governor Sonny Perdue. “Georgia’s state government is following suit by donating nutritious meals to seniors and hurricane evacuees in Alabama.”
“Just as Alabama reached out to our sister states after Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, Georgia is helping Alabama meet the needs of its senior citizens and evacuees,” said Alabama Governor Bob Riley. “On behalf of all Alabama citizens, I want to thank Governor Perdue and the state of Georgia for this generous gift.”
A total of 25,000 meal packs with five meals per pack will be delivered to Alabama. The meals will be delivered to Alabama senior centers for distribution. All meals have a six-month shelf life.
In order to fund hurricane relief efforts, Alabama cancelled a planned purchase of shelf stable meals for statewide distribution to at-risk clients who don’t have access to transportation earlier this year. Georgia is using Valley Services, Inc. of Jackson, MS to deliver meals to Alabama for distribution.
“DHR’s Division of Aging Services along with the federal Administration on Aging were willing and able to provide extra shelf stable meals to the older citizens of Alabama during a time of great need,” said Maria Greene, director of the Georgia’s Division of Aging Services. “It was our way of being able to offer immediate help when we couldn’t be there in person to help our neighbors.”
The Georgia Division of Aging Services typically distributes shelf stable meals to elderly homebound Georgians who don’t have access to transportation. Meals are often distributed before tornado and winter ice-storm seasons. In addition to donating meals to Alabama, Georgia has replenished shelf stable meals for its own seniors who may have donated or consumed their meals.