Governor Perdue Announces Fuel Conservation Actions
Friday, September 23, 2005 |
Contact: Office of Communications 404-651-7774
Governor Orders Alternative Work Schedules and Early Snow Days for Schools
ATLANTA –Governor Sonny Perdue announced today several immediate fuel conservation initiatives in anticipation of Hurricane Rita and the potential for temporary disruption of fuel supply in Georgia .
“In recent weeks, the nation has experienced temporary disruptions of gas supply as a result of Hurricane Katrina. While we cannot predict the future, we do know that effective conservation will be a reliable approach as we anticipate the effects of Hurricane Rita,” said Governor Sonny Perdue. “I'm asking all Georgians to make a sincere effort to conserve gas, and the state of Georgia will lead by example.”
Today Governor Perdue announced the following immediate fuel conservation actions:
- The Governor signed an Executive Order eliminating non-essential state travel and requiring alternative work schedules or telecommuting for all state employees where possible. This can include four-day, ten-hour work schedules, telecommuting and other alternative work schedules for certain state employees.
- Governor Perdue asked all state school systems to take two “early snow days” on Monday, September 26 and Tuesday, September 27. By taking two early snow days, school systems will save more than 225,000 gallons of diesel fuel per day. Four consecutive days of school building closures, from Saturday to Tuesday, will allow further heating and cooling energy conservation.
- Governor Perdue asked local governments and businesses across Georgia to adopt active policies allowing employees to conserve fuel. He asked that alternative work schedules, telecommuting, and other conservation methods be implemented immediately. The Governor's Office is working to share conservation strategies with local governments and the business community.
- Governor Perdue encouraged private sector citizens to carpool. Citizens of metro Atlanta can log onto the web site of the Clean Air Campaign, www.cleanaircampaign.org , to find information on carpooling programs.
- Governor Perdue signed an Executive Order extending the relaxation of weight restrictions on fuel trucks coming into the state of Georgia from Florida . The Governor first announced that he would lift such restrictions on August 26, 2005. The extension will expire October 15.
- Governor Perdue announced that he is prepared to extend the enforcement of the price gouging controls beyond its expiration at the end of September, if necessary. The Governor signed an Executive Order to prevent price gouging on motor fuel on August 31, 2005, which will remain in effect until the end of September.
- Through the Georgia Environmental Protection Division (EPD), Governor Perdue requested the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to issue an extension of waivers for gasoline regulations that require special additive gasoline in the summer months. Waiving this requirement will allow gasoline suppliers to bring available gasoline into Georgia to help alleviate shortages and keep prices to a minimum.
- The Georgia Environmental Facilities Authority (GEFA) is monitoring gas supply and helping to provide supply to law enforcement, emergency health services and schools .