Governor Perdue Announces Executive Appointments
Monday, August 22, 2005 |
Contact: Office of Communications 404-651-7774
ATLANTA , GA - Governor Sonny Perdue announced today the following executive appointments:
Board of Human Resources
Deborah A. Ausburn, 46, Roswell , GA , Sixth Congressional District Member - Ausburn is an attorney with Weinberg, Wheeler, Hudgins, Gunn & Dial, LLC, where she specializes in cases involving child abuse. She is active in providing seminar presentations and training federal law enforcement officers and prosecutors on topics such as court testimony and tracking investigations. She is currently a member of both the Georgia and the North Carolina State Bar Associations and has successfully argued a case before the United States Supreme Court. She is a member of the American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children, the Junior League of Atlanta, the Lawyers' Club of Atlanta and is a 2002 graduate of the Coverdell Leadership Institute. Ausburn earned a bachelor's degree in speech education from Bob Jones University and a law degree from the University of Georgia .
Children and Youth Coordinating Council
Timothy G. Echols, 44, Commerce, GA, At Large Member - Echols is the president and chief executive officer of Family Resource Network, Inc., which helps families meet the challenge of raising children with special needs. He is also the founder and president of TeenPact, a nonprofit ministry that aims to provide students with comprehensive leadership experience, and a co-founder of the Governor's Youth Leadership Summit. Echols earned a bachelor's degree from the University of Georgia . He and his wife, Windy, have seven children.
Georgia Composite Board of Professional Counselors, Social Workers and Marriage and Family Therapists
Sandra L. Hollett, 51, Marietta , GA , At Large Member - Hollett works for the Archdiocese of Atlanta as the executive director of Catholic Social Services. Previously, Hollett served as the director of operations for Catholic Charities Maine and as the assistant vice president for support services at the Brighton Medical Center . She is a member of the Council on Accreditation Peer Reviewer, the Midtown Leadership Class of 2004 and the Catholic Charities USA Management Steering Committee. Hollett earned a bachelor's degree in business administration from the University of Maine and a master's degree in business from Husson College in Bangor , Maine . She is married to John Cabett.
State Board of Examiners for Certification of Water and Wastewater Treatment Plant Operators and Laboratory Analysts
Rachel Cochran, 41, Decatur , GA , EPD Technician - Cochran works in the Environmental Protection Division of the Georgia Department of Natural Resources as an environmental specialist with the Permitting, Compliance and Enforcement Program. Previously, she served as the environmental coordinator in the Solid Waste Reduction Program with the Georgia Department of Community Affairs. She is a member of the Georgia Association of Water Professionals and serves as vice chair of the Residuals and Recycling Committee. Cochran earned a bachelor's degree in biology from the Georgia Institute of Technology and a master's degree in soils science and hydrology from the University of Georgia . She and her husband, Charles, have two daughters.
Margaret E. Doss, 41, Augusta , GA , Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator Member (REAPPOINTMENT) - Doss is the industrial wastewater pretreatment coordinator/trainer with the Columbia County Water Utility in Evans , Georgia . She serves as president-elect of the Association of Boards of Certification, vice-chair of the Columbia County Local Emergency Planning Commission and as a member of the Georgia Association of Water Professionals. Doss earned a bachelor's degree in microbiology from Clemson University and a master's degree in adult education from the University of Georgia . Doss and her husband, Scott, have two children.
W. Michael "Mike" Whatley, 53, Covington, GA, Consultant/Educator Member - Whatley works with member services, manages the State Revolving Funds Program and is lead technician with the Statewide Fluoride Program at the Georgia Rural Water Association. He previously served as the deputy director of the Newton County Water and Sewage Authority. He is currently serving as a member of the Covington City Council, the Newton County Water and Sewage Authority board of directors and the Utilities Protection Advisory Committee. Whatley earned a bachelor's degree in public administration from Clayton College and State University . Whatley and his wife, Billie Jean, have one son.