Governor Perdue Announces Executive Appointments
Wednesday, July 20, 2005 |
Contact: Office of Communications 404-651-7774
ATLANTA - Governor Sonny Perdue announced today the following appointments.
Governor's Council on Developmental Disabilities
Michelle Marie Aulthouse, 36, Stone Mountain, GA , Self Advocate - Aulthouse is an independent living coordinator at Disability Link where her responsibilities include advocacy assistance, information and referral, peer support and independent living skill training. She is a participant in the Parents Leadership Support Project, a member of People First Atlanta, a member of Atlanta Adapt and co-recipient of the Regional IV Advocacy Award from the National Council for Independent Living. She earned a bachelor's degree in psychology and a master's degree in rehabilitation counseling from Edinboro University .
Lyn n ette W. Bragg, 54, Springfield, GA, Parent Advocate (Reappointment) - Bragg is the owner and administrator of B & B Care Services, Inc. She has served on the Governor's Council on Developmental Disabilities since 1992 and is the current council chair. She has also served as a member of the Governor's Task Force on Community Based Services for Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities and Addictive Diseases (MHDDAD) and on the Chatham/Effingham Developmental Disabilities Advisory Council. Bragg earned a nursing degree from Grady Memorial Hospital and is a certified case manager. She and her husband, Randall, have a son.
Thomas Steven Connelly, 51, Albany , GA , Self Advocate - Connelly is a rehabilitation employment specialist for the Department of Labor and has served in this capacity since 1996. He is involved with the Brain Injury Resource Foundation, including serving as the past president of the survivor's council, and is a member of the Traumatic Brain Injury and Spinal Cord Injury Trust Fund. Connelly earned a bachelor's degree in psychology from Belmont Abbey College and a master's degree in rehabilitation counseling from Fort Valley State University .
Scott Crain, 44, Gainesville , GA , Parent Advocate - Crain is currently a parent mentor in the special education department for the Hall County School System and has served in this capacity for three years. He is a member of the Monarch Advisory at the Emory Autism Center , chairman of the State Parent Mentor Council, vice chairman of Region 2 Division of Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities and Addictive Diseases (MHDDAD) and the minister of music at West Hall Baptist Church . Crain attended Gainesville College . He and his wife, Stacey, have two children.
Tameeka Hunter, 32, Atlanta, GA , Self Advocate (Reappointment) - Hunter is a disability services specialist in the Georgia Institute of Technology's AD AP TS (Access Disabled Assistance Program for Tech Students) Office. She is a member of the Georgia College Personnel Association and the Georgia Association of Higher Education and Disability. Hunter earned a bachelor's degree in business administration from Georgia State University and is in progress earning a master's degree in rehabilitation counseling from Georgia State University .
Bruce A. Lindeman n , 52, Dunwoody , GA , Parent Advocate - Lindemann is a manager for Georgia-Pacific in the area of retail finance analysis. Previously, he served as the senior clinical business manager for Emory University 's Division of Endocrinology. He is the past chairman of the DeKalb Regional Board for Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse Services, a member of the Atlanta Alliance on Developmental Disabilities and a graduate of Leadership DeKalb. Lindemann earned a bachelor's degree in biology form the University of Illinois , a master's degree in zoology from Southern Illinois University, a master's degree in information systems from Georgia State University , and a doctorate in parasitic diseases from the University of Georgia . He and his wife, Ellen, have three children.
Phillip Howard Pickens, 58, Atlanta, GA , Additional Member - Pickens recently retired from his position as the director of the Division for Exceptional Students at the Georgia Department of Education and is currently working as a consultant for other states in the southeast region. He is a member of the Council for Exceptional Students, the Council of Administrators for Special Education and the National Association of Administrators of Special Education. Pickens earned a bachelor's degree in education from West Georgia College (now the University of West Georgia ), a master's degree in guidance and counseling from West Georgia College and has completed post master's work and advanced studies in behavior disorders and educational leadership at the University of Georgia . He has four children.
Randolph Denard “Denny” Spear, Jr., 73, Dunwoody, GA, Parent Advocate - Spear is the vice president of the Cecil B. Day Foundation and serves as a part time chaplain for the Cecil B. Day Investment Company. He was ordained as a Baptist minister in 1951 and served in various pastorates throughout his career. He is a member of the Dunwoody Baptist Church and an endorsed chaplain for the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship. Spear earned a bachelor's degree from Wake Forest University and earned two degrees from the Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. He and his wife, Varion, have six grown children.