Department of Driver Services Expands Road Tests, Begins Accepting Credit/Debit Cards
Thursday, July 28, 2005 |
Contact: Office of Communications 404-651-7774
Governor Perdue Keeps Focus on Reducing Lines
MONTREAL – Governor Sonny Perdue announced today that the Department of Driver Services (DDS) is quickly implementing new procedures to improve customer service and reduce lines at driver's license locations throughout the state. The implementation of Monday road tests by appointment and the acceptance of credit and debit cards began this week at several locations.
“The Department of Driver Services has one core mission - issue drivers' licenses in the most efficient and customer-friendly manner possible,” said Governor Sonny Perdue. “It is encouraging to see the department with an intense focus on implementing new procedures to help reduce the wait times at our driver's license centers across the state.”
Monday road tests by appointment for first time applicants began this week at Customer Service Centers (CSCs) in Conyers and North Cobb, serving 51 customers and 42 customers respectively. On Monday, August 1, the Lawrenceville and Shannon Mall CSCs will provide Monday road tests. DDS plans to assist a minimum of 96 customers per location. Reservations are required for those under the age of 18 who must pass a road skills test before receiving their first license. The scheduling of Monday road tests will rotate amongst the four locations through the month of August. In September, the service will be offered at all four locations every Monday, providing service to 384 additional customers per week. Reservations can be made by calling (678) 413-8500. Standard CSC hours for all licensing services are Tuesday through Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
DDS is now accepting credit cards and debit cards at the Covington and Conyers CSCs. By the end of the week, DDS will have five locations operational – Conyers, Covington , Lawrenceville, Lithonia and South DeKalb. DDS will begin implementation statewide, adding a minimum of ten locations per month. This timeline will allow DDS to have the system implemented statewide within six months.
“Everything we have done and will do is with the goal to improve customer service and the wait times that our customers experience. We have done much in the past thirty days, but will continue to stay focused to develop additional customer focused enhancements,” said Greg Dozier, DDS Commissioner.