Governor Swears-In New Unit of Department of Public Safety
Monday, June 27, 2005 |
Contact: Office of Communications 404-651-7774
Motor Carrier Compliance Unit Prepares for Transfer from DMVS to DPS
FORSYTH, GA- Today Governor Sonny Perdue administered the oath of office to 261 law enforcement officers who will form the newly-created Motor Carrier Compliance Unit of the Georgia Department of Public Safety (DPS). The officers will transfer from the Department of Motor Vehicle Safety (DMVS) to DPS effective July 1, 2005. The transfer is a result of the passage of House Bill 501, a piece of Governor Perdue's 2005 legislative package.
“My intent with this legislation was to make customer service a top priority at DMVS and to assign other law enforcement duties where they most logically belong,” said Governor Sonny Perdue. “I have complete confidence that the State Patrol will perform its new duties with the professionalism and skill for which the department is known.”
The Motor Carrier Compliance Unit is responsible for enforcing commercial vehicle regulations, conducting truck inspections, operating the state's weigh stations, and enforcing the state's High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) law.
According to Colonel Bill Hitchens, Commander of the Georgia State Patrol and Commissioner of the Department of Public Safety, the new unit will strengthen the Department's efforts to increase the safety on Georgia roads. “We welcome the new sworn officers and civilian support personnel and look forward to working as a team toward a common goal of safer motor vehicle travel in Georgia ,” he said.
Although the Motor Carrier Compliance Unit will begin operations under the DPS on July 1, changes won't be immediately noticeable to the public. During the transition DMVS markings on vehicles, uniforms and badges will remain until September 2005.