Governor Perdue Signs Woman's Right to Know Act
Tuesday, May 10, 2005 |
Contact: Office of Communications 404-651-7774
ATLANTA – Governor Sonny Perdue signed into law today the Woman's Right to Know Act (House Bill 197). This legislation updates Georgia's abortion requirements by ensuring that women are given the opportunity to make an informed decision about the procedure.
“Women have a right to learn about all of the options available to them in the event of an unwanted pregnancy,” said Governor Sonny Perdue. “The Woman's Right to Know Act is a common sense approach to a sensitive issue and it reflects the mainstream values that Georgians share.”
HB197 stipulates that women considering an abortion should receive accurate and adequate information 24 hours in advance of the procedure. This information is to include the medical risks of the procedure, probable gestational age of the unborn child, medical risks of carrying the child to term, medical assistance available for prenatal care, childbirth, and neonatal care, and that the father is liable for child support. The bill also seeks to protect minors by requiring that an unemancipated minor be accompanied by a parent or guardian, who must show proper identification and state that they are the lawful parent or guardian. Parents or guardians must also receive notice 24 hours before an abortion is performed.
Governor Perdue was joined for the bill signing by First Lady Mary Perdue. HB197 was sponsored by State Representative Sue Burmeister and State Representative James Mills in the House and carried by State Senator Renee Unterman in the Senate. The bill is effective upon the Governor's signature.