Governor Announces Free Tax Filing Service for Eligible Taxpayers
Tuesday, March 15, 2005 |
Contact: Office of Communications 404-651-7774
Public-Private Partnership Offers Tax Preparation and E-Filing to Georgians
ATLANTA – Today Governor Sonny Perdue urged taxpayers to take advantage of a public-private partnership providing free state and federal tax preparation and e-filing services to qualified Georgia taxpayers. Eligible taxpayers can access the free online services through the Georgia Department of Revenue (DOR) website at www.gatax.org, under the link for “Free Electronic Filing Program.”
The Georgia Free File Alliance is a public-private partnership between DOR and a consortium of tax preparation software companies. Participating tax software companies use individual criteria to determine which taxpayers are eligible to receive the free service. Eligible Georgia taxpayers include lower-income, active duty military (including the National Guard and reservists), Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) eligible families, seniors or first-time filers.
“The Free File Alliance is making it possible for thousands of hard-working Georgia taxpayers to prepare and file both their state and federal taxes online for free,” said Governor Sonny Perdue. “These services make it easier for taxpayers to claim all the credits and deductions to which they are entitled. And if they file electronically and use direct deposit, they can receive their state refund in as little as seven to ten days. Don’t waste time, there’s only one month left until April 15,” Governor Perdue warned.
The Georgia Free File Alliance, which is in its third year of partnership, allows taxpayers to choose from multiple private sector tax preparation and filing service offerings, and directs users to a private company’s website, where they can use the free service to prepare and file their returns electronically.
One member of the Georgia Free File Alliance present for the announcement was Intuit, maker of TurboTax®. Intuit’s product, which can be found online at http://www2.state.ga.us/departments/dor/ or www.statetaxfreedom.com, provides free online tax preparation and e-filing services for both state and federal returns to eligible Georgia taxpayers.
Georgia’s First Lady Mary Perdue, who through her Children’s Cabinet, is encouraging working families to determine their eligibility for EITC and the free tax filing service, was also present for the announcement. “We are pleased to extend this service to hard-working families,” said Mrs. Mary Perdue. “We have been working through the Children’s Cabinet to get the word out that this is an opportunity for some families to use the best software on the market and perhaps recognize for the first time that they qualify for deductions or credits.”
“The Free File Alliance removes barriers to underserved taxpayers so that they too can take advantage of these high quality online tax preparation services,” said Chris Long, with the Computer & Communications Industry Association (CCIA). “The Free File Alliances is a model public-private partnership that allows both government and industry to do what they do best. The government provides quality citizen service to taxpayers while allowing the private sector to innovate, all at virtually no cost to the state government.”