Governor Perdue Declares State of Emergency in Miller, Seminole and Wayne Counties
Wednesday, March 23, 2005 |
Contact: Office of Communications 404-651-7774
ATLANTA – Governor Sonny Perdue issued an Executive Order today declaring a State of Emergency for three counties impacted by a severe weather system that hit South Georgia Tuesday afternoon. The emergency declaration covers Miller, Seminole and Wayne counties and allows state resources to be used to assist these counties.
“Yesterday’s severe weather impacted many of our fellow Georgians in Miller, Seminole and Wayne Counties. My office will work closely with GEMA to ensure that we provide assistance to those in need as they recover from this storm,” said Governor Sonny Perdue. “Mary and I offer our prayers for the family and friends of the deceased and pray for a speedy recovery for the injured.”
Agencies responding to the incident include the Georgia Office of Homeland Security, Georgia Emergency Management Agency (GEMA), Georgia State Patrol, Department of Natural Resources, Department of Transportation, Georgia Forestry Commission, Department of Motor Vehicle Safety, Insurance and Safety Fire Commissioner’s Office and the Department of Community Affairs. Representatives from the American Red Cross, Salvation Army and the Georgia Baptist Convention are also on hand to assist local communities. In addition, several adjacent counties provided mutual aid assistance.
GEMA is the lead state agency for coordination of emergency and disaster response activities. For additional emergency information and updates, contact GEMA at 1-800-TRY-GEMA (1-800-879-4362) or visit the agency’s Web site at www.gema.state.ga.us.
Text of the Executive Order is provided below.
Executive Order
WHEREAS: On March 22, 2005 a severe weather system including tornadoes, moved into the State of Georgia, resulting in one fatality, numerous injuries and caused major destruction and damage to properties in Miller, Seminole and Wayne counties; and
WHEREAS: The assistance of the government of the State of Georgia is necessary to protect the public health, preserve the safety of the public, keep property damage to a minimum, and to restore the social and economic welfare of the citizens in the above-mentioned counties; and
WHEREAS: In light of these circumstances and with the authority vested in the Governor by virtue of Article 3, Section 38-3-51, of the Georgia Emergency Management Act of 1981, as amended to issue reasonable orders, rules and regulations as are deemed necessary to protect public health, safety and welfare, and to bring the emergency situation under control within the acknowledged limitations of the powers of the Governor.
ORDERED: That the State of Emergency exists in the above mentioned counties and that personnel and equipment resources of the State of Georgia be made available to assist in the response and recovery activities currently begin undertaken in the above mentioned counties, and that the Georgia Emergency Management Agency activate the Georgia Emergency Operations Plan.
This 23rd day of March, 2005.
(Signed: Sonny Perdue)__