Governor Perdue Signs Civil Justice Reforms
Wednesday, February 16, 2005 |
Contact: Office of Communications 404-651-7774
ATLANTA, GA – Governor Sonny Perdue signed into law today Senate Bill 3, a civil justice reform package passed by the General Assembly earlier this week. Governor Perdue signed the legislation at Northside Hospital in Atlanta and then toured the hospital's Women's Center. Governor Perdue was joined by Senator Preston Smith, author of the bill and Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee; Representative Barry Fleming, House Majority Whip; Bob Quattrocchi, president of Northside Hospital; and Dr. Richard Robbins, chief of obstetrics at Northside Hospital.
“Due to the rising costs of lawsuits, many of our state's OB/GYN physicians have been forced to leave their practice. These reforms will help our medical community continue to provide and care for expectant mothers in our state,” said Governor Sonny Perdue. “They will also ensure that frivolous litigation does not further limit the availability of quality medical care for all Georgians.”
Hospitals and other health care providers in this state have been negatively impacted by rising costs in liability insurance due to junk lawsuits. Rising costs in liability insurance have forced many health care providers to leave their practice, especially in rural areas of the state and amongst OB/GYN providers. The result has been a reduction in access to health care services and an adverse impact on the health and well-being of the citizens of this state. These reforms will improve the quality of health care services and will lower the cost of health care liability insurance.
Complete text of the bill can be found at www.legis.state.ga.us .