Governor Perdue Praises House Passage of Georgia Land Conservation Act
Monday, January 31, 2005 |
Contact: Office of Communications 404-651-7774
ATLANTA, GA – Governor Sonny Perdue issued the following statement today regarding the unanimous House passage of the Georgia Land Conservation Act (HB98):
“I thank the House for their resounding vote today on the Georgia Land Conservation Act. Their unanimous support demonstrates just how important it is to the people of Georgia that we protect our natural resources. It is a responsibility shared by each and every one of us. This act will preserve a statewide network of land and water resources, prime agricultural and forestry lands, and natural, historic and recreational areas for generations to enjoy.
“I also want to thank my floor leader, Rich Golick, my assistant floor leaders and Representative Lynn Smith for their hard work leading up to today’s decisive vote.”
The Governor’s legislation creates the Georgia Land Conservation Trust Fund and the
Georgia Land Conservation Revolving Loan Fund that will be managed by the Georgia Environmental Facility Authority (GEFA) to provide a variety of funding options by which local governments or DNR may purchase conservation easements or fee simple interest in land for eligible projects.
The fund will be appropriated $75 million in state funds, and $25 million in private contributions. It also establishes the Georgia Land Conservation Council, which will be responsible for reviewing all project proposals and making recommendations for the distribution of funds. The Georgia Land Conservation Council will include the State Property Officer, the Commissioner of DNR, the Director of the Georgia Forestry Commission, the Executive Director of the State Soil and Water Conservation Commission, the Commissioner of the Department of Community Affairs and four additional members appointed by the Governor.