Governor Perdue Launches the Team Georgia Connection
Tuesday, January 4, 2005 |
Contact: Office of Communications 404-651-7774
ATLANTA, GA – Georgia’s first statewide employee Intranet, the Team Georgia Connection, was launched today by Governor Sonny Perdue. The new online resource for more than 100,000 state employees, spread across more than 120 agencies and organizations, will serve as important interactive resource to improve communication across state government. The site also serves as a single entry point for employees to find a wide range of useful information pertinent to state employment.
“Communication among agencies and state employees is vital to the success of the New Georgia team and the prosperity of our state,” said Governor Sonny Perdue. “As we continue our efforts to break down the ‘silo nature’ of state government, this site will create a consolidated source of ready and relevant information for all state employees.”
State employees can log on to www.team.georgia.gov to locate a wide array of pertinent information, including the latest news and events, current traffic conditions from Georgia NaviGAtor, career and job training resources, and personnel policies. The site also includes an employee directory and a calendar of public events.
The Commission for a New Georgia, based on best practices found in the private sector, proposed a statewide intranet as a tool to improve communications across state government. Staff from the Governor’s Office and the Georgia Technology Authority (GTA) worked to develop the site. The current site represents phase one of the project. Further refinements and enhancements to the Team Georgia Connection will occur on an ongoing basis.