Governor Perdue Launches Fourth Annual National Agriculture Awareness Week in Georgia
Tuesday, March 20, 2007 |
Contact: Office of Communications 404-651-7774
Governor Announces Environmental Stewardship Award for Agriculture
ATLANTA – Governor Sonny Perdue and the Agriculture Advisory Commission today launched the fourth annual National Agriculture Awareness Week in Georgia to recognize the contributions of agriculture and agribusiness in the state. A celebration held today at the Georgia Freight Depot featured approximately 60 agriculture commodities and organizations throughout Georgia displaying food products and related information. Guests attending today's event included state legislators, FFA, 4-H, Young Farmers, Commodity Queens and other agriculture related organizations.
"Agriculture remains Georgia's largest industry, employing one in six Georgians," said Governor Sonny Perdue. "Our farmers and agribusiness people continue to innovate to meet the needs of Georgia, our nation and the world."
Today Governor Perdue announced the 2007 winner of the Governor's Environmental Stewardship Award for Agriculture – Greenview Farms Inc. in Wayne County. The purpose of the award is to honor farmers for good stewardship of all aspects of the environment in their farming practices.
Greenview Farms is a 2800 acre family farm owned by Jonathon Harris and his wife Toni. The Harris family has continually farmed the land since 1860. The farm has diversified cattle, a forest and row crops. Greenview Farms has remained successful for nearly 150 years because of its commitment to conservation. They continually rotate the cattle, use conservation tillage and best management forest practices, and they implement prescribed burning to enhance wildlife.
The district stewardship winners include: Longview Cattle Farm in Senoia, Cabe Brother's Farm in Carnersville, Waller Farm in Harrison and Don Register Farm in Chula.
The Governor also announced, Bradley Creek Seafood, the winner of the 2007 Flavor of Georgia contest for their Low Country Pastry. The contest focuses on the Agricultural Advisory Commission's goal of entrepreneurship and rural development by showcasing the diversity of Georgia's agriculture and food processors. Over 150 new food products were entered into the contest.
The Governor's Agriculture Advisory Commission brings together members of various sectors within the agricultural community to act as a sounding board for economic development ideas and to implement the Governor's agriculture strategies and initiatives. The commission is divided into four subcommittees – economic development and retention, education, environmental and agriculture awareness.
Agriculture is Georgia's oldest and largest industry, and it remains a leading source of jobs and income. Georgia has one of the nation's most vital and diversified farm economies, leading the country in the production of poultry, pecans, peanuts, eggs and forestry products. The state is also taking the lead in converting agricultural produce to ethanol and biodiesel. Georgia consistently ranks as a top producer of watermelons, rye, peaches, sweet potatoes and cotton and is home to the world famous Vidalia onion.