Governor Announces Online Driver Services Available to Georgians
Monday, December 13, 2010 |
Contact: Office of Communications 404-651-7774
“DDS has worked towards creating more efficient services for
Initiating licensing services via Internet is an easy way to save valuable time and gas money. In addition, many transactions offer a discount for eligible customers. Another new cost saving initiative is the manner in which DDS will remind customers via mail to renew a license or ID and/or upgrade a license online. Postcards will replace the larger Automated Renewal Information packet and is a convenient reminder to place near the computer.
“Our goal is to make each customer’s experience easier and more convenient while preserving the privacy of personal information. Now customers can obtain more licensing services twenty-four hours/seven days a week from the comfort of their home or office,” commented DDS Commissioner Gregory C. Dozier.
As always, DDS’ first priority is to maintain the integrity and security of one of the state’s most important processes. A customer’s Internet experience is as safe and secure as doing business in person. And, with the recent enhancements, DDS’ Internet services offer even more protection. Comparable to secure Internet banking and shopping, the ability to personalize your account with DDS protects your identity and personal data. After the transaction, customers print an Order Confirmation for their records and receive an e-mail notification.
The following new transactions are now available online at www.dds.ga.gov:
- the ability to create a secure personal customer account
- conduct multiple transactions at one time using a shopping cart
- change your address when you conduct other transactions such as a license or ID renewal or replacement
- pay most Failure to Appear (FTA) suspensions and reinstate your license
- check moving violation points
- order a certified MVR (motor vehicle report)
- order an identification card
- choose to receive e-mail notifications and information from DDS
In the future even more services will be offered at www.dds.ga.gov including:
- reinstate a license and pay online
- streamlined reinstatement requirements
- make a road test reservation and pay online
- online reporting of Completion Certificates by Risk Reduction Schools
Since DDS launched online services in January 2008, over 329,982 customers have renewed a license via www.dds.ga.gov. 461,850 customers have initiated a change of address and 124,661 have replaced a lost license via Internet. For more information visit www.dds.ga.gov or check the DDS facebook page.
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