Governor Honors Businesses and Organizations for Creating a Culture of Conservation
Wednesday, October 6, 2010 |
Contact: Office of Communications 404-651-7774
The Conserve Georgia Awards will recognize those helping to create a culture of conservation through energy, land, and water conservation and the promotion of recycling. The Partnership for a Sustainable Georgia Awards, meanwhile, recognize Partners, including businesses, organizations and municipalities, for excellence in leading the way to a sustainable Georgia.
The 2010 Conserve Georgia Award winners are as follows:
Energy Conservation Award
Ecolink, Inc.
(Tucker): Ecolink has reduced their energy use by 35% since taking the Governor’s Energy Challenge just one year ago. They now help others reduce their energy consumption by encouraging employees to conserve and educating other organizations.
Land Conservation Award
Natural Resource Stewardship Award
Georgia Tech
Recycling Award
Keep Cobb Beautiful
Water Conservation Award
(Morrow): TOTO is leading the way in water conservation by developing more efficient plumbing fixtures, ensuring the highest levels of efficiency in their Morrow facility, and educating their employees, community and fellow businesses on water conservation.
The 2010 Partnership for a Sustainable Georgia Award winners are as follows:
Advocate of the Year
Design That Works
Outreach and Employee Involvement Award
Rising Environmental Steward Award
Ecolink, Inc.
(Tucker): In just one year, Ecolink aggressively pursued development of their Environmental Management System. They reduced their waste to landfill by almost 30,000 pounds, and reduced over 6,000 pounds of packaging materials annually.
Rising Environmental Steward Award
ignition, Inc.
Environmental Performance Award
John Deere
Innovation Award
(Helen): Unicoi State Park coined the phrase “Being Green on a Dime,” and implemented several environmental programs with little or no funding that include converting old oil drums to recycling bins; installing a rainwater harvesting system made from reclaimed materials; and even using lint from their laundry to teach a fire building class.
Partner of the Year
TDK Corporation
The www.ConserveGeorgia.org website serves as an information portal with links to dozens of conservation programs that are implemented by state agencies and additional resources. For more information on the Partnership for a Sustainable Georgia, visit www.GASustainability.org.
A Culture of Conservation
The Conserve Georgia program was developed to foster a culture of conservation throughout the state of
Partnership for a Sustainable Georgia
Free and open to any business, the Partnership for a Sustainable Georgia was established by the Sustainability Division of the Georgia Department of Natural Resources to foster environmental leadership and recognize superior environmental performance. The Partnership offers a variety of incentives, including cost savings through increased efficiencies, potential regulatory flexibility, free technical assistance and training, and access to networking and mentoring among peers, state and local officials. For more information, visit www.GASustainability.org.
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