Governor Calls Georgians to Serve During 'Hands On Georgia Week'
Thursday, September 24, 2009 |
Contact: Office of Communications 404-651-7774
“As we’ve watched communities impacted by the storms come together during the past week, we’ve been reminded that nothing is as powerful as neighbors helping neighbors,” said Governor Perdue. “Next week, I challenge each Georgian to volunteer for a local community service project with your family, friends or co-workers during Hands On Georgia Week. Every Georgian can find something they are passionate about, whether it’s helping those affected by a natural disaster, working with children or senior citizens, cleaning up and preserving our state’s natural resources, or supporting fine arts programs.”
According to the Volunteering in America Report by the Corporation for National and Community Service, Georgians volunteered for nearly 213.6 million hours of service from 2006 to 2008, worth an estimated $4.3 billion.
Hands On Georgia is the first statewide network in the nation that is dedicated to volunteer service and civic engagement, acting as a central organizing body for all of
“It is truly amazing to see thousands of Georgians volunteer their time to support their local communities,” said Laurie Grant Nichols, Chief Executive Officer of Hands On Georgia. “It’s a great feeling to work alongside your friends and neighbors to promote seat belt safety or paint a senior center, to help landscape your town squares or pick up litter from our parks and roadways. But it is awe-inspiring to look back and see what your fellow Georgians were doing at the same time around the state, and the collective difference that we all have made. We are grateful to
Hands On Georgia has 15 affiliates across the state that include the communities of Athens, Atlanta, Brunswick, Columbus, Covington, Dalton, Dooly County, Forsyth County, Harlem, Macon, Milledgeville, Savannah, Statesboro, Wayne County and Thomas County.
Citizens interested in participating in Hands On Georgia Week are encouraged to visit Hands On Georgia at www.handsongeorgia.org or e-mail Michelle Nelson Hawkins at mnelsonhawkins@handsongeorgia.org.