Governor Perdue and DCH Commissioner Roll Up Their Sleeves
Tuesday, September 15, 2009 |
Contact: Office of Communications 404-651-7774, DCH: Lisa Marie Shekell, (404) 657-9118
“Georgians must understand the importance that preventive measures play in slowing the spread of both the seasonal flu and novel H1N1 flu,” said Governor Sonny Perdue. “It is for that reason that both Dr. Medows and I have taken the first step by rolling up our sleeves for our seasonal flu vaccination today.”
The PSA encourages Georgians to get their seasonal flu vaccination to protect themselves against the seasonal flu, and reminds everyone to follow simple flu prevention steps and keep informed about the novel H1N1 flu and the availability of the novel H1N1 vaccine.
The PSA is part of the larger Roll Up Your Sleeve campaign that DCH launched in August to educate Georgians about both the seasonal flu and novel H1N1 flu this season.
“With both the seasonal flu and the novel H1N1 flu circulating this fall, we are arming Georgians with the information they need to be prepared and take action against the flu,” said Dr. Rhonda Medows, DCH Commissioner and Public Health Director.
The Georgia Association of Broadcasters and Georgia Public Broadcasting will be distributing the PSA to their member stations in the coming weeks.
To view the PSA visit: http://dch.georgia.gov/rollupyoursleeve.