Governor Appoints Sid Johnson as Director of Stimulus Accountability
Monday, August 17, 2009 |
Contact: Office of Communications 404-651-7774
“It is imperative that Georgians are confident that stimulus funds are being tracked and reported transparently,” said Governor Perdue. “Sid’s business background and commitment to public service make him an ideal person to lead our efforts and ensure accountability in the way the state spends stimulus dollars.”
As the Governor’s point person for stimulus tracking, Johnson will replace Celeste Osborn, the state’s Deputy Chief Financial Officer, who is retiring at the end of August.
“Celeste has been a truly invaluable member of our financial team since 2003,” Governor Perdue said. “We have made substantial improvements in our accounting and financial systems that will benefit the state for decades to come. Even though these are not the kind of efforts that lead the nightly newscasts, Celeste has certainly left her mark during her two decades of service in state government.”
Others that will continue to play a key role in the state’s accountability efforts are: Debbie Dlugolenski, Deputy Director of the Governor’s Office of Planning and Budget; Susan Ridley, Director of the GA State Financing and Investment Commission; Russell Hinton, State Auditor; Greg Griffin, State Accounting Officer; and Liz Archer, Inspector General.
Johnson most recently served on the faculty of the
From 2004 through 2008, Johnson served as the Director of Implementation for the Commission for a New Georgia. As the Director of Implementation, Johnson and his staff worked with the executive branch and legislators to ensure that recommendations from the Commission for a New Georgia were implemented throughout state government. The Commission for a New Georgia is a program that was created in 2003 by Governor Perdue to promote a management overhaul in state agencies to create an effective, more efficient government.
“I am honored to serve as the Director of Stimulus Accountability, and I look forward to working closely with all those involved in this important effort,” said Johnson.
Johnson’s other work experience includes working as Partner at The Leadership Center and serving in various state agencies including the Georgia Department of Corrections and the Criminal Justice Coordinating Council. He also worked in investment banking for SunTrust. He graduated with a business degree from the
A native Georgian from Claxton in