Governor Perdue Announces Executive Appointments
Friday, October 8, 2004 |
Contact: Office of Communications 404-651-7774
ATLANTA, GA - Governor Sonny Perdue announced today the following executive appointments:
Board of Directors of the Georgia Regional Transportation Authority
Brandon L. Beach, 43, Alpharetta, GA, At Large – Beach is the President and CEO of the Greater North Fulton Chamber of Commerce. He is Executive Director of the North Fulton Community Improvement District and a member on the Board of Trustees of Encore Park and the Grady Hospital Board of Visitors. Beach was a graduate of the Regional Leadership Institute in 2003. He is a former member of the Alpharetta City Council and the Alpharetta Planning and Zoning Commission. He received his undergraduate degree from LouisianaStateUniversity and an MBA from CentenaryCollege. Beach and his wife, Shuntel, have two children.
Professional Standards Commission
Holly Anglin Robinson, 58, Alpharetta, GA, Private Sector Representative – Robinson is Senior Vice President at the Georgia Public Policy Foundation. She was previously Vice President of Learning for Convergent Media Systems. She has held professorships at OceanCountyCommunity College, GeorgianCourtCollege, and VillanovaUniversity. She has also served as Dean at the University of San Francisco and as Deputy State Superintendent of Schools of Georgia. Robinson serves on the board of the Georgia Partnership for Excellence in Education, is a member of the Gwinnett County Public Schools Technical Advisory Committee, and serves on the board of the Southeastern Regional Vision for Education. She received her undergraduate degree in history from OldDominionUniversity, a master’s degree from VillanovaUniversity, and a doctoral degree in education from RutgersUniversity. Robinson and her husband, George, have one child.
Louisa Bond Moffitt, 56, Atlanta, GA, Private School Representative – Moffitt is a history teacher at the MaristSchool. She previously taught English and history at DecaturHigh School. She is a member of the Middle East Studies Association, the Southeast Regional Middle East and Islamic Studies Seminar, the Southern Historical Association, and the Middle East Outreach Council. Moffitt co-authored four teaching units based on conversations with former U.S. Secretaries of State and U.S. Secretaries of Defense. She has also designed and implemented cross-curriculum programs for Middle East studies. Moffitt received her undergraduate degree from EmoryUniversity, her master’s degrees from GeorgiaStateUniversity, an education specialist degree from EmoryUniversity, and a doctoral degree from GeorgiaStateUniversity. She and her husband, Charles, have one son.
Wanda West, 52, Macon, GA, Administrator – West is the first female superintendent of Twiggs County Public Schools. She is a former Director of Staff Development, classroom teacher, and Curriculum Director for Bibb County Public Schools. West serves as the Chairman of the Board of Controls for the Middle Georgia RESA District for School Superintendents and College Presidents, and is a member of the Board of Directors of the Georgia School Superintendents Association and the Georgia School Boards Association. She is presently serving as a coach for new superintendents and a consultant on School and System’s Improvement for the Georgia Leadership Institute for School Improvement (GLISI). West received her undergraduate degree from MorrisBrownCollege, a master’s degree from MercerUniversity, an educational specialist degree from the University of Georgia, and a doctoral degree in educational administration from South CarolinaStateUniversity. She is also a graduate of the Superintendent Professional Development Program. West is married to W. Roy.
Board of Public Safety
Lee F. New, 60, Canton, GA, Chief of Police Representative – New is presently the Chief of Police of the Cobb County Police Department. He was previously Assistant Vice President of Corporate Security for NationsBank. New is a member of the International Association of Chiefs of Police, the Georgia Association of Chiefs of Police, the Georgia Chapter of the FBI National Academy Graduates Association, and the Peace Officers Association of Georgia. He received his undergraduate degree from BrenauUniversity. New and his wife, Judy, have two children.
Brain and Spinal Injury Trust Fund Commission
Susan Johnson, 49, Alpharetta, GA – Johnson is the Acquired Brain Injury Program Director at the ShepardCenter, a supported and assisted living facility for people with acquired brain injury. She was previously the Impatient Program Manager at NorthFultonRegionalHospital. Johnson is chair of the Traumatic Injury Advisory Board. She served as the Associate Chair of Local Committee for National Brain Injury Symposium, and previously served on the Brain and Spinal Injury Trust Fund Commission. She is currently Chair of the Traumatic Injury Steering Committee and Distribution Committee member of the Brain and Spinal Cord Trust Fund. Johnson received her undergraduate degree in education from the University of Florida and a master’s degree in speech language pathology from the University of Tennessee. She and her husband, Mark, have one daughter.
Georgia Aviation Hall of Fame Board
Robert Ray Aycock, 63, Clarkesville, GA, At Large (REAPPOINTMENT) – Aycock is the owner of Glen-Ella Springs, Inc., a country inn and restaurant. He was previously a residential real estate developer at Aycock Properties, Inc. He is a member of the Airplane Owners and Pilots Association, the Professional Association of Innkeepers International, and the HabershamCounty and Georgia Chambers of Commerce. He is also an Angel Flight Volunteer. Aycock received his undergraduate degree from the University of Georgia. He and his wife, Barrie, have two children.
Buster Boshears, 60, Augusta, GA, At Large (REAPPOINTMENT) – Boshears is the Airport Director of the AugustaRegionalAirport. He also serves as the Airport Manager for the DanielFieldAirport. Boshears served in the United States Air Force (USAF) and in the USAF Reserve until 1996. He was previously President of Augusta Aviation. Boshears received his undergraduate degree in business administration from the University of Georgia. He and his wife, Janet, have one child.
Council on American Indian Concerns
Ralph Venson Crews, 69, Folkston, GA, American Indian Representative (REAPPOINTMENT) – Crews has worked with United Insurance Company serving on the Product Advisory Council and the Presidential Cabinet. He became a member of the Cherokee of Georgia and has served in capacities such as Tribal minister, Treasurer, Public Relations for the tribe, Councilman, Vice Chief and Chief. He has served as President of the Lafayette and Walker County Ministerial Association and as Vice President of Brighter Days Ministries in Waycross. Crews attended LeeCollege in Cleveland, Tennessee. He and his wife are of Cherokee Indian descent and have one child.
Royce McCrary, 61, Sylvester, GA, American Indian Representative – McCrary was appointed to the Governor’s Workforce Investment Board in June 2000. He is a member of the Albany Optimist Club and the Lower Muscogee Creek Tribe. McCrary attends the PorterfieldMethodistChurch.
State Board of Registration for Librarians
George R. Gaumond, 58, Valdosta, GA, Special Librarian Representative – Gamound is Director of Odum Library at Valdosta State University. He was previously Director of Ruth Scarborough Library at Sheperd College. Gamound was an Officer in the United States Navy. He serves on the Regents Academic Committee on Libraries, was President of the South Georgia Associated Libraries, and served as President of the Georgia Library Association. Gamound serves as the Georgia Library Representative for the American Library Association, is Parliamentarian for the Southeastern Library Network, and is a member of the Conference Planning Committee for the Association of College and Research Libraries. He was a recipient of the Regents Academic Committee on Libraries' Outstanding Achievement Award for leadership during the implementation of GALILEO and the Nix-Jones Award for distinguished service to Georgia librarianship. Gamound received his undergraduate degree from the University of South Carolina, a master’s degree from the University of Illinois, and a doctorate degree in philosophy from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. He and his wife, Arlene, have one child.