Governor Perdue Signs Fiscal Year 2005 Budget
Monday, May 17, 2004 |
Contact: Office of Communications 404-651-7774
ATLANTA, GA - Governor Sonny Perdue today signed into law House Bill 1181 which authorized Georgia's Fiscal Year 2005 Budget.
"We are changing the culture here in the Capitol to basing decisions on real need rather than political power," said Governor Sonny Perdue. "We wish to fund the most crucial programs, not merely the ones that benefit people in the districts of powerful legislators."
The total value of vetoed projects is $233,135. The Governor is also reviewing deferrals of approximately $7.7 million.
"This budget is balanced, it keeps Georgia living within our means, and it provides for our human needs," added Governor Perdue.
Governor Perdue issued line-item vetoes for the following:
Section 41, pertaining to the Department of Administrative Services, page 38, lines 1625 through 1627:
This language was approved in the 1996 session of the General Assembly to control the purchase of communications equipment that was not compatible with an 800-megahertz system. All communications equipment purchases are now under the direction of the Georgia Technology Authority and this language is inconsistent with general law. Therefore, this language (lines 1625 to 1627, page38) in the Provisions Relative to Section 4, Department of Administrative Services is vetoed and has been vetoed previously.
Section 42, provisions relative to Department of Community Affairs, page 38, line 1653:
This line item reads, "City of Augusta , Funding for the Augusta Mini-Theater after school program" and is funded at $50,000. Given our current budget environment, this funding should be obtained from private and local sources. Therefore this line item (line 1653, page 38) in the provisions relative to Section 7, Department of Community Affairs, is vetoed.
Section 49, pertaining to the Department of Natural Resources, page 40, lines 1734 through 1742:
Since FY 2000 state funds appropriated to the Environmental Protection Division of the Department of Natural Resources have been used to match federal Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality funds to provide mass transit subsidies for state employees. The use of state funds for subsidies to individuals has required special authorizing language in each appropriation bill since the initiation of this program. In FY 2003, the Georgia Building Authority began providing the state employee mass transit subsidy program with non-state funds. This program has been subsequently transferred to the Georgia Regional Transportation Authority. This language is no longer necessary. Therefore, this language (lines 1734 to 1742, page 40) in the Provisions Relative to Section 24, Department of Natural Resources is vetoed.
Section 53, pertaining to the Department of Transportation, page 41, lines 1780 through 1784:
This language authorizes the Department to transfer position counts between budget functions provided that the Department's total position count shall not exceed the maximum number of annual positions assigned by law. All executive branch agencies are legally authorized to amend their budgets and transfer positions between budget functions when the Office of Planning and Budget has approved a properly drawn amendment to the annual operating budget. In addition, the number of positions in each budget function is not specified in the Governor's budget recommendation to the General Assembly or in the annual Appropriations Act making this language unnecessary. Therefore, this language (lines 1780 to 1784, page 41) in the Provisions Relative to Section 36, Department of Transportation is vetoed and has been vetoed previously.
Section 53, pertaining to the Department of Transportation, page 42, lines 1789 through 1791:
This language authorizes the Department to use available funding for right-of-way acquisition for a multi-lane road to connect the Atlanta Motor Speedway to Interstate 75 via State Road 20 and State Road 3. This project was funded in FY 2001. In addition, as a state route, this project is eligible for motor fuel funds and special language is not necessary. Therefore, this language (lines 1789 to 1791, page 42) in the Provisions Relative to Section 36, Department of Transportation is vetoed and has been vetoed previously.
Section 62, pertaining to Federal Funds, page 44, lines 1891 through 1895:
This language essentially provides a pool of federal money to be available only to supplant state funds. It prohibits an amendment of federal funds above the amount appropriated in the Appropriations Act for purposes other than to supplant state appropriations for the pertinent programs. This language limits the state's ability to accept additional federal funds as they become available throughout the fiscal year. Therefore, this language (lines 1891 to 1895, page 47) in Section 62 is vetoed and has been vetoed previously.
Section 63, pertaining to the General Obligation Debt Sinking Fund, page 51- 52, lines 2189 through line 2195:
This language authorizes the appropriation of $41,760 to finance projects and facilities of the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia, specifically to plan and design renovations for an administrative/classroom building and a dormitory for post-secondary education and public safety use, through the issuance of $480,000 in principal amount of General Obligation Debt for 20 years. This project should not be considered for funding until a decision has been made as to the primary use of the facility. Therefore, this language (line 2189 through line 2195) in the Provisions relative to Section 39, General Obligation Debt Sinking Fund is vetoed.
Section 63, pertaining to the General Obligation Debt Sinking Fund, page 52, lines 2201 through line 2205:
This language authorizes the appropriation of $43,500 to finance projects and facilities of the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia, to provide public library facilities by grant to the governing board of the Wheeler County Public Library for that library, through the issuance of $500,000 in principal amount of General Obligation Debt for 20 years. This project does not appear on any priority list of the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia. Therefore, this language (line 2201 through line 2205) in the Provisions relative to Section 39, General Obligation Debt Sinking Fund is vetoed.
Section 63, pertaining to the General Obligation Debt Sinking Fund, page 52, lines 2220 through 2226:
This language authorizes the appropriation of $97,875 to finance projects and facilities of the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia, specifically a student center at Georgia Perimeter College , through the issuance of $1,125,000 in principal amount of General Obligation Debt for 20 years. The Georgia Perimeter College project is included in the amount appropriated ($97,155,000) in lines 1913 to 1919 on page 45. Lines 2220 to 2226 funds the Georgia Perimeter College project a second time at an excess cost of $1,125,000. Therefore, this language (lines 2220 to 2226, page 52) in the Provisions Relative to Section 39, State of Georgia General Obligation Debt Sinking Fund is vetoed.