Governors Perdue and Riley Meet to Discuss Water Negotiations
Monday, August 14, 2006 |
Contact: Office of Communications 404-651-7774
Governors Perdue and Riley Meet to Discuss Water Negotiations
COLUMBUS, Ga. – Governor Sonny Perdue and Alabama Governor Bob Riley met today in Columbus, Georgia to discuss ongoing negotiations regarding the management of shared river basins between the two states.
“Leadership is essential to resolving the issues raised by sharing vital water resources among the citizens of Alabama, Georgia and Florida,” said Governor Sonny Perdue. “I firmly believe we must provide a renewed demonstration of determination and vision to seek solutions to these issues, and I appreciate Governor Riley’s efforts toward this goal.”
The governors’ meeting today was held in conjunction with mediation ordered by Alabama District Court Judge Karon Bowdre. Due to a federal court order that requires the mediation to be confidential, Governors Perdue and Riley are unable to disclose the details of their discussion.
The meeting of the two governors today was held at the Convention and Trade Center in Columbus.
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