Governor Perdue Announces Second Agriculture Week Observance Award Winner
Wednesday, May 24, 2006 |
Contact: Office of Communications 404-651-7774
Governor Perdue Announces Second Agriculture Week Observance Award Winner
ATLANTA – Governor Sonny Perdue announced today that the fifth grade class at Potter Street Elementary School in Bainbridge, Georgia is the winner of the second Agricultural Awareness Week Observance Award.
“Georgia farmers contribute to one of the most vital and diversified farm economies in the nation,” said Governor Sonny Perdue. “Agriculture Awareness Week gives our fifth grade students the opportunity to learn how this important industry affects the life of every citizen in our state.”
During National Agriculture Week of March 19-25, 2006, fifth grade classes all across the state were encouraged to participate in events and classes to help students learn about agriculture, Georgia’s oldest and largest industry. By using agriculture as a teaching tool for science, math, language arts and social studies, the students learned the origin of food and fiber, the economic and environmental contributions of agriculture and the impact of agriculture on society.
The Potter Street Elementary class was judged as best in the state for using innovative teaching techniques. During the week the students learned about the impact of farming on the economy, the impact of farming in their own lives, the kinds of products produced in Georgia and how Georgia ranks nationally in the production of various agricultural products.
The students drew illustrations featuring various agricultural products produced in Georgia. The illustrations featured captions, which allowed other students to learn about what each product contributed to Georgia. In addition, the students used Georgia product maps to locate areas in the state that have the greatest agricultural impact. The students displayed the maps in the hallway to help other students learn about the impact that agriculture has on Georgia.
The Agricultural Awareness Week Observance Award was initiated by Governor Perdue’s Agriculture Advisory Committee to promote awareness of the benefits of the agriculture industry.