Governor Perdue Welcomes Home Georgia's 48th Brigade
Thursday, May 11, 2006 |
Contact: Office of Communications 404-651-7774, Alison Tyrer, GDEcD, (404) 962-4078
Governor Perdue Welcomes Home Georgia’s 48th Brigade
ATLANTA – Governor Sonny Perdue issued the following statement today regarding the return of the final flight of the Georgia Army National Guard’s 48th Brigade Combat Team:
“It is with a great pride that Mary and I welcome the final plane returning home the men and women of Georgia’s 48th brigade. The people of Georgia are grateful for their bravery and their honorable defense of our nation in the war on terrorism.
“These soldiers represent the finest our state has to offer. The 48th Brigade’s commitment to duty is unwavering. These citizen-soldiers put their own lives on hold to join in the effort for freedom and democracy in Iraq, and they return as soldier-citizens. We admire their courage and sacrifice for a noble cause.
“Even as we are grateful for the safe return of these men and women, our hearts remain heavy for the families and friends whose loved ones made the ultimate sacrifice for our country. We pray for God’s comfort in their time of sorrow.
“May God continue to bless our men and women in uniform and the great state of Georgia.”