First Lady Hosts Fourth Annual Easter Egg Hunt at Governor's Mansion
Tuesday, April 11, 2006 |
Contact: Office of Communications 404-651-7774
First Lady Hosts Fourth Annual Easter Egg Hunt at Governor’s Mansion
ATLANTA - First Lady Mary Perdue hosted the Fourth Annual Easter Egg Hunt at the Governor’s Mansion on Saturday, April 8, 2006. Patients and families from the Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta Comprehensive Intensive Rehabilitation Unit (CIRU), Children’s Day Rehab program, Q100’s Bert’s Big Adventure and Camp Sunshine, a program for children with cancer and their families, celebrated the Easter tradition with the First Lady in an egg hunt and other activities.
“The Easter Egg Hunt is an event I look forward to each year because it reminds me how exciting this time of year can be for children,” said Mrs. Mary Perdue. “This year we invited some very special children and their families to share in this wonderful event.”
The activities available for the children included face painting, egg decorating, a petting zoo and a Moonwalk. Noted children’s author and illustrator Kevin Luthardt read three of his children’s books, showed guests how a picture book is created and led them in an interactive art demonstration. Each of the children who attended received a complimentary signed copy of one of Luthardt’s books.